
What is the smartest girl in the world's name?I need it to get tips about her!?

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I need to get tips about how she maintains her mind by studying. pls just give me her name only...!




  1. why are you asking your question in the Special Ed section? why do so many people in your country not understand that Special Education deals with people who have physical and/or mental disabilities?

  2. There isn't really any valid way to call someone the smartest. IQs and standardized tests don't tell you anything. Some really smart people hate standardized tests and do horribly on them. I've known people with sky high IQs that are entirely lacking in common sense. And some other people are only able to repeat facts as they have read them and they don't really know anything about the subject. Besides, no one way of studying is best either. Some people remember by just hearing or seeing things, others need to write down notes three times before its committed to memory. I myself, have to pretty much tell someone about it before I remember some things long term. Its all about what works best for you. Try a few different things and figure it out.

    If you're trying to figure out how to keep your memory as you age, there are some good foods to eat, and the best way is to remain mentally engaged in challenging activities. My grandmother is still sharp of mind because she always plays chess and does crosswords all day.

  3. Arpita Shekhar

  4. Mom  (duh)  ;-)

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