
What is the smelliest smell?

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What is the smelliest smell?




  1. my  brothers best friend

    he only showers once every 6 weeks and changes clothes once s month no lie

  2. a dead body

  3. Anything that makes you want to vomit or makes you vomit!

  4. A dead raccoon's balls.

  5. Forgoten garbage .

  6. Rotting human flesh!

    I live in a 15 storey block of flats and for about four or five days my, and the flats of the people on my floor absolutely wreaked to the point that we all moved out.

    The council came and checked all our flats and found nothing but agreed it was disgusting.

    I got a phone call two days later from them to advise that someone had died five floors up and had been there for at least three weeks. Our floor and that floor were linked by the ventilation shafts so the smell was coming straight into the flats on our floor.

    The smell was like nothing I can describe except that for three days before moving to my parents, I was being physically sick.

    Incredibly horrible

  7. people who don't bath or use deodorant.

  8. sewers urgh or mens toilets loll

  9. The guy who rents the room next to mine. I have to cover my nose wen he passes and spray air freshener wherever he's been :/

  10. Pig sh*t or rotten meat/fish!!

  11. 'Me mate's baby daughter's poo and farts.

    They are ghastly. Once when he was changing her I ran to the back door for a clean breath. My poor dog ran between my legs and took forever to coax back in. It was the worst thing I have ever been exposed to.

    My nose will never be the same.  

  12. My sons stinky trainers... stomach wrenchingly vile!

  13. My dogs eat tripe and thats pretty bad, makes me gag. I really don't know how they can eat it. Also stale urine and body odour is pretty disgusting too.

  14. have you ever smelt death? not being crude but if you smell something dead and rotting you dont forget it

  15. vomit.

  16. dead bodies!!! its a unique and all pervading smell that u just kant get rid of

  17. Apparently the durian fruit.  It tastes delicious, but smells so bad that you aren't allowed to take them on planes.

  18. bad eggs!

  19. My feet after a day in the hills hiking. Even I don't want to be in the same tent.  

  20. A whale's v****a.

  21. Ethyl Mercaptan.

  22. The smelliest smell is smell of my son's poo.

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