
What is the solution of public fear?

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i am scared of everybody and get nervous a lot plz help




  1. therpy

    mindtricks like everybody naked

    stuff thats funny

  2. Well, I was really shy around people, a friend told me about this book called The Social Artists and it changed my life, you can find it at it actually made me feel intergrated for the first time

    hope you the best man, dont worry! if you are a good person karma will be good to you : )!

  3. I don't mean to lower the tone, but I swear I read that as "pubic fear"......


    It sounds like you have social anxiety. I suggest you check out this website, it explains it in detail and gives some very good advice.

    It's important you face up to your fears and don't avoid going out in public. Try joining a local club for a new hobby and you will get to know people who share your interests. Take it slowly and, I know this sounds kind of random, but exercise really helps :)

  4. ask your doctor for some anixety medication.

    klonopin and effexor is good.  

  5. picture everyone in their underwear. good thing mine are really cute!

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