
What is the solution to deforestation?

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What is the solution to deforestation?




  1. Critical thinking about the pros and cons of deforestations and the concept of afforestation.  Deforestation is a condition where a live forest being destructed and die due to illegal loggers and unconcerned people around it. Due to this scenario, many living creatures are diverted or either die because they do not have enough shelters for their living. Using a critical mind and thinking, we will prevent the lost of our forests not only here in our country but also to other countries.

    Critical thinking is a kind of analyzing both effects of a certain scenario(both positive and negative). Using this kind of technique, you can visualize things that might happen in the future.

  2. There should be a law created of every human being. 1 tree for every human being for every 1 year. our current population is 6.5billion so this is the best to solve the problem. but the problem is there any law maker that will make this !

  3. wow go dr. blob!

    and an a smaller scale, yes john, clear cutting is carp. in temperate zones, leaving clumps is good, creating a mosaic of different stages of regeneration, so you get maximum edge effect without loosing the whole forest effect. this is what coppicing does.

  4. Well, ask Canada, they are about to lose around a forth of their lovely evergreens.   Not to loggers who would have used the wood to build homes, schools, books, furniture, all the things we need in life from trees, but from a fungus.

    What the eco nuts refused to allow to be managed and used, is now going to rot on the stump.

    when forests are used and replanted, everyone benefits, now NO one will.

    Way to go greenies,  I hope you enjoy the color gray, that the color of pines rotting for miles and miles and miles.

  5. You fool!  We need to cut down the forests to save them! ;)


    The thing that makes these problems so intractable is that we have to work on all of them concurrently, on a global scale.  This is why I’m not particularly optimistic.  Peace to you and good luck to all of us.

    Top Ten Policies Necessary to Pursue Global Ecological Sustainability

    Following are the most urgent policy prescriptions necessary to maximize the likelihood of a habitable biosphere and minimize human death as a result of collapsing ecosystems. They are listed in order of importance. To have any chance of averting global apocalypse these sorts of policies must be implemented with all haste. Your comments are welcome regarding this list and avenues for implementation - which will be enumerated further as the project progresses.

    No. 1 - POPULATION - Human populations surpass what the Earth can bear. We must stabilize and then reduce human population to at most a third current levels. Global limits must be placed on the number of children born, using incentives at first such as tax benefits for smaller families. Humanity can reduce population on their own accord or the Earth will do so for us.

    No. 2 - GREENHOUSE GASES - Abrupt runaway climate change is happening now as energy costs the Earth dearly. Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by at least 70% as soon as possible. Maintaining an operable atmosphere requires phasing out coal and oil, introducing a substantial carbon tax, investing in renewable energy, and rigorously pursuing conservation and efficiency. No large-scale new energy systems such as nuclear or biofuel until shown to be environmentally benign in the long-term.

    No. 3 - PROTECT ECOSYSTEMS - Large, connected and strictly protected ecosystems over much of the land and sea are a prerequisite for provision of air, water, biodiversity, soil and other services upon which life depends. Large protected marine areas must be established, ending industrial fishing. And ancient forest logging must end, strictly protecting remaining intact natural habitats.

    No. 4 - CONSUMPTION - Excessive resource use to meet frivolous human wants must be restricted by promoting a consumption ethic that stresses voluntary simplicity and a sense of "enoughness", and laws that minimize impacts. Simple reforms such as standardizing consumer packaging and making all waste recyclable will reduce necessary consumption's impacts.

    No. 5 - AGRICULTURE - A transition must be made to sustainable agricultural practices and eating habits with the emphasis upon organic, non-GMO, low meat diets that are locally produced. Eating habits impact virtually all ecosystems, resulting in natural forest clearing, toxic food chains, depleted water, soil loss and reduction of ecosystems' ability to hold carbon.

    No. 6 - SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIES - Economic systems are a subset of ecological systems and as such all economic activities must maintain or expand natural capital. Growth that destroys natural capital is not sustainable, and growth as a measure of economic activity is an ecological malignancy. A steady state, sustainable economy must be business, industry and humanity's goal.

    No. 7 - GREEN TECHNOLOGY - Technology by itself cannot bring sustainability, but clean and green technologies are important and provide huge economic opportunities. There is tremendous potential for development of energy efficient, more sustainable and fully recyclable buildings, products and services (including hybrid cars and fluorescent lightbulbs). But the use and trade of toxic chemicals must end.

    No. 8 - ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION - Too many ecosystems have already been lost and diminished for humanity to persist. Achieving sustainability and preparing for post collapse societies depends upon targeted restoration of important ecosystems. Priorities for ecological restoration include watersheds, establishing ecological core areas and urban environments.

    No. 9 - POVERTY- Billions living in desperate poverty is unethical and damages the environment. All cannot live like Americans, but if the Earth's wealth is shared we can all live well. The focus must be upon the overdeveloped world living more simply, sustainable development, equitable and just political and economic systems, and green technology transfer.

    No. 10 - DEMILITARIZATION - Increasingly conflicts over resources fuel militarism and insurgency. Military budgets divert resources from crucial social and environmental investments, and must be slashed. Lasting security that is equitable, just and sustainable is best achieved through greater international law and investments that nurture global ecosystems.

  6. The only solution in my humble opntion is to ban clear cutting, and return to selective cutting. In my area clear cutting is the acceptable practice, acceptable to Gov't, and the hugh logging companies, that have so much power, and control where the Gov't is concerend, as logging is only one small area in which they are involved. Just look at the erosion of the soil, after a clear cut, you lose all the top soil, this windp in the lakes and streams, making it impossible for fish to survive, and it just is allowed to go on and on.The almighty dollar is the only voice that is heard I guess.The best to all.........john t

  7. Afforestation. :)

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