
What is the solution to extreme weather caused by global warming?

by Guest56786  |  earlier

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What is the solution to extreme weather caused by global warming?




  1. You can't fool mother nature.  

    There is no more extreme weather than there ever is.  There is no global warming.

    Please find some other drum to beat, and leave our children alone.

    Thank you.

  2. Umbrella's and heavier coats.

  3. well,to tell u we all must try not using stuff like plastic bags which are not disposable,secondlly we should try to saggregate the garbages which we throw away.yeah,stuffs like plastic bags, cans which can be recycled.throw the waste products which is not useful.saggregating the stuff like this can help us to stop from harming the environment and nature of law.

  4. Extreme weather has been around long before the scam of global warming, there is absolutely nothing anyone can do.

  5. What extreme weather??? where is it???  

  6. Global warming is Natural (not in a Ice Age are we?)

    As is Global cooling.

    Extreme Weather has Always Been a part of life on this planet.

    (just ask any Mastodon that didn't get to finish it's meal.)

    The solution is the Death of Mankind.

    (we (humans) are the only inhabitants of this planet that complain about the weather.)

    Once the world has enough Plastic.

    It will shake Us off like a Bad case of Flea's.  (George Carlin)

    My father is a retired Minister.

    And this is my answer,

    I hope it helps.

  7. Realize that "global warming" is a natural, cyclical occurance, and don't fall for the "sky is falling" mentality of the alarmists.

  8. There is no such thing as the global warming scare they are promoting with rhetoric that just does not fit the observed and documented facts historically recorded since the mid 1800s. To me it is just another case of that old line from a movie called Casablanca during the hottest period of the last 100 years. “Play it again SAM”, that one line says everything I have seen on the subject, I have lived through the cycle three times now from hot to cold and back to hot again. I was born in 1940 right in the middle of the warm period then that set all the heat records we have not yet reached, let alone exceeded during the current warm spell. What the AGW fanatics do not comprehend is that all the major warming occurred before the year 1940 and that since that date it has cycled up and down a couple of degrees around that point. But then profiteers, con men and other forms of hucksters will never miss a chance or opportunity to skim a few bucks out of the pockets of convenient suckers.

  9. The Earth has always had extreme weather in one form or another, it's not a new phenomenon.  It's wrong to say it's caused by global warming.

  10. Hi yoshlee,

    We definitely didn't start global warming, but we definitely do contribute to it now.

    Since the weather is pretty intimidating already, I would suggest to prepare and prevent all, each person in all possible ways.

  11. "I'm not so sure but we can't control mother nature."

    "But... humans are stupid, and they're destroying my planet." idiot?

    we have been trying to control mother nature for a long long time, china tried to make rain to get rid of there pollution. Didn't work.

    theres nothing we can do so all the damage we have done over the past 1000 years is irreversible and we are all going to die anyway.

    o yea, what extreme weather?

  12. I'm not so sure but we can't control mother nature.

    First of all, we should have used better ways to avoid use of fossil fuels, and other things that would possibly cause pollution in the future.

    But... humans are stupid, and they're destroying my planet.

  13. Move to a better planet.

  14. Well, do you mean deluges and very powerful winds, prolonged and widespread drought, or extremes in temperatures.

    The extremes of temperature do not yet exceed the long term extremes of temperatures of our hot desert areas. We are seeing similar temperatures in cities that have not enjoyed these temperatures, but people of the deserts have lived with those temperatures.

    Drought too has been experienced by our desert peoples, and we have to adapt the same way, mostly by reducing population until that population can live with the low food production that drought can sustain.

    Deluges that are likely to repeat? Move to higher land. Stay out of flood plains and areas below sea level.

    Extremely powerful winds do require building much stronger, and perhaps avoiding building structures like wind generating towers based on historic wind speed data. Expect sea surges much greater than historic maxima suggest.

    We can plan to use flood water to irrigate far off drought stricken lands. We could even use up all the water now flowing to the oceans from Asia, Africa, North America and Australia to irrigate dry and desert lands, even build up mighty dry-land reservoirs. That however is not an individual initiative.

  15. If its extreme and knew it before it happened then flee for my life. If not I would brace for impact.

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