
What is the solution to the current crises in kashmir?

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seeing the amarnath land row now turning into freedom movement & killing of 48 muslims in kashmir while 12 policemen are injured in jammu.




  1. The Government of India should ask all the Kashmiri muslims who want to join Pakistan to move to Pakistan with bag and baggage. Kashmir was never a land of muslims. In fact the entire Indian sub-continent was never the homeland for muslims historically. Islam is an imported religion in the sub-continent and the muslims here are either from outside the region or local people who converted (mostly by force!!). Hence they can not claim that the land belongs to them. They can go to Pakistan and settle in there if they want to and leave India and Indians alone.

  2. give Kashmir independence.

  3. maybe you should try to talk to the freedom movement and tell them to knock it off

  4. War solves all known problems.

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