
What is the source that is holding humanity back from achieving a world with no more wars?

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What is the source that is holding humanity back from achieving a world with no more wars?




  1. human nature

  2. money!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Religious Extremists and Cultural Diversity

  4. Hodeewoo!?! And the worst answer of the year award goes to Hate Boy! for saying that God is against war... Exodus 15:3 - "The Lord is a man of war"   Ecclesiastes 3:8 - "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."  Isaiah 19:2 - "And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbor; city against city, and kingdom against kingdom."

    Anyways, I think that wars are not caused solely by greed or hate or lust, but by these in conjunction... If wars were caused by only one thing they certainly would have ceased to have existed centuries if not years ago. But since they does not have a single cause, they persist.

  5. Lack of adherence to God's wishes.

  6. "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"....the day when people will truly feel this way, we'll have God within us...and we'll not need to find peace..

  7. greed and miseducation.

  8. War is inevitable, given human nature being what it is. It is only possible to try to limit it and place boundaries upon it, like the rules of chivalry in olden times.

  9. Disagreement and evil.

    Don't commit evil which most of humanity disagrees on. That'll give them something to fight about because they value their lives.

    And if you don't harm them in anyway, they'll probably still disagree on some of your beliefs, we just hope they agree to disagree and let it be.

    rather than disagree that you disagree and fight until you do agree.

    It's just a lack of goodness and agreeing to disagree.

    The end of war does exists

  10. Life is built sadly upon fear, doubt and insecurity. Problem is not helped by religious dogma or rampant capitalism. The source in question must surely be a dearth of Altruism and also Humanism :?

  11. I would say greed is the main source, followed by religion. Unfortunately greed will always be around and until people learn to respect each other and their beliefs religion will also be a major cause of conflict.

  12. Slavery of the mind.  If everyone embraced liberty, war would vanish awful quick.  Unfortunately human history is endless flight from freedom.  Witness how many critics there are today of capitalism, which is essentially individual responsibility writ large.  People will continue to choose slavery, and wars will result.  

  13. Power

  14. Seeing things as all bad or all good is often a problem. Although I generally see myself as a pacifist, many good things have come after wars.

    It was war that lead to French and US citizens having rights around the 1770s. if they hadn't gone to war, the direction of human rights and civil liberties could have taken a very bad road.

  15. The USA, the Middle-East, the far East, and the Russians. And maybe Cuba and some countries in Africa too.

  16. The Wars! The hatred and tensions between the two or three rivals are so strong that it has caused people to only try to stop it after it begins and not before.

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