
What is the southern most tip of civilization?

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I want to know what the actual location is of the southern most point, before reaching Antarctica. Both theoretically, and actual. Keeping the latter in mind when figuring on the earth's slant on it's axis. Only intelligent answers please. Don't just pop off. I am kindly asking for facts only, please. Thank you.




  1. Theoretically and actually, the point would be the same.  Directions are referenced to the axis of the Earth.  So it doesn't matter if the earth is tilted 23.5 degrees.  It will still be the same point.

    Kay, above, has given you the correct answers.

  2. yes i have researched this myself, since you asked, and yes, Kay has given you the right answer, also have one for you but not to let every one else to read, chat later I pray, Lots to catch up on too !!!

  3. Cape Horn island (Dutch: Kaap Hoorn; Spanish: Cabo de Hornos; named after the city of Hoorn in the Netherlands) is the southernmost headland of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago of southern Chile.  Ushuaia, on the Argentina side, is the southernmost permanently inhabited town in the world–the edge of civilization literally.

    South Georgia Island - about 20 inhabitants, but not as far south as Cape Horn

    South Orkney Island - uninhabited

    South Sandwich Island - uninhabited

    South Shetland Islands - uninhabited

    So, other than research stations in Antarctica, Cape Horn appears to be the southern tip of any inhabited land (civilization) and Ushuaia the farthest south permanently inhabited town.

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