
What is the special lines in globe?

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to all smart humans please help me....i need this for my assignment tomorrow.....ok take care to you all.....




  1. There are two types of lines found on maps and globes; lines that run up and down (north-south) called Longitude Lines or Meridians and lines that run across (east-west) called Latitude Lines or Parallels. These lines are used to help locate places in the world and are often called 'co-ordinates'. Remember that these lines are not real they are imaginary lines used on maps and globes.

    1) Latitude Lines: [0° to 90N° and 90S°]

    - go across the map (west-east)

    - they are parallel lines - always the same distance apart

    - measure the number of degrees north and south of the equator

    – equator is the 0° line and these special lines are North

    - Tropic of Cancer 23 1/2°N

    - Arctic Circle 66 1/2°N

    - North Pole 90°N

    – equator is the 0° line and these special lines are South

    - Tropic of Capricorn 23 1/2°S

    - Antarctic Circle 66 1/2°S

    - South Pole 90°S

    - Equator divides the world into north and south - (northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere)


    2) Longitude Lines: [0° to 180°W and 180°E]

    - lines that travel up and down or north and south

    - lines are curved and they all meet and travel through the north pole (90°N) and south pole (90°S)

    - the lines measure the degrees east and west of the Prime Meridian

    - Prime Meridian is the 0° Longitude Line

    - Prime Meridian is found traveling through Greenwich, England

    - meridians important not just for measuring degrees (for location) but plays an important role in the time zones

    0° (Prime Meridian is the start of time)

    - 180° line is called the International Dateline

    - Prime Meridian divides the world into two halves the West and the East (Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere)


    Parallels and Meridians together

  2. the imaginary lines are longitudes,latitudes, equator, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricon

  3. The lines are designed to help you locate places on the globe.

    The line that runs around the middle of the globe, dividing the northern half (or hemisphere) from the southern half, is called the equator.

    The lines that go from east to west are called latitudes, or parallels. These lines are parallel to the equator. For example, if you are on the 30° south latitude, that means you are 30° south of the equator. If you are standing on the equator, you are at 0°. As you get closer to the North Pole or the South Pole, the degree numbers get larger.

    The lines that go from north to south are called longitudes, or meridians. Just like the latitudes, the longitude lines are marked with numbers so you can find places on the globe. The prime meridian, a line that runs through Greenwich, a part of London, England, is at 0°.

    and so on.. check out my source for more information, you'll find all sorts of thing about the globe and all its lines;)

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