
What is the special thing in 16?

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why do 16 consider as sweet 16? what is the reason ?




  1. It had to do with a song.

  2. yea, driving

    thats the ONLY reason

  3. Good Question ....A sweet sixteen party is a type of birthday party in the United States, usually celebrated for a girl on her sixteenth birthday.Sweet Sixteen parties were traditionally given as a celebration of the girl's virginity, although this aspect of the party is losing its significance.15 is a border line of a girl status. After 15 you  will be a matured and you will get more freedom. Plus you will develop your sexual hormones. so  all these things starts from 16 . so it is called " sweet 16"

  4. we don't have that kind of concept in my country...  

  5. After 16....everything turns sour.

  6. wtf

  7. ive got no idea!

    my 16th is coming up and everyone is like 'you HAVE to have a huge party cause you're gonna be 16" and im just like...why?

    im with you? i don't get it?

    im guessing:

    1. in america you can get your drivers licence at 16

    2. your legal for some things at you can leave skool then (gr.10)

    3. sixteen starts with an s and so they just wrote 'Sweet Sixteen' to make it sound kool!

    good question!

  8. I think thats only in america. Its probably because you can drive at that age in America so its really big.

  9. I believe it started with the 'upper crust' of society.  When the daughters reached age 16, a ball (party) was held in their honor and all the eligible bachelors were invited to attend.  The daughter was expected to dance with all the gentlemen and, by evening's end, was expected to have chosen one for her future husband.  Nowadays, it is just a term used loosely to mean 'she's 16'.

  10. they only say that in america

    like that tv show

    my supper sweet 16

    i think they just say it cause  it sounds good

    yhoo should no what the americans are like

    or maby just cause yhoo can drive and have s*x legally so they think its sweet

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