
What is the specific name for lefthander ?

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i want to know what is the name for left hander as i m left hander please help me for this




  1. In my book its as simple as a Lefty!!!!

  2. I come from Australia, and we DEFINITELY do not call lefties 'molly-dukers'.

  3. Lefty or Southpaw.  Although the term "Southpaw" is derived  from baseball and usually refers to a left-handed baseball pitcher.  Parks were often built with the homeplate facing east. That way, the late afternoon sun wouldn't be in the batter's eyes.  When a left-handed pitcher was facing west towards the batter, the ball would be thrown with his south side hand, or his "south paw".

    Here is a list of some other names for left-handers:

  4. Smudge cause he smudges his work when he does his work lol but um both handed is abidextourous and i think left handed is south paw

    Hope it helps


  5. I'm a lefty too

    At university they talked about "sinister" left handed  and "dexterous" righ handed molecules which comes from Latin I think. It's used a lot in heraldry as well.

    [Origin: 1375–1425; late ME < L: on the left hand or side, hence unfavorable, injurious]

    A  lot of terms for lefties have negative connortations.  Kak-handed is one that springs to mind.

    I'm sure it's because righties have an inferiority complex ;P

  6. Dexterous is right handed sinister is left handed.

  7. southpaw

  8. Left handedness.

  9. Boxing - southpaw

    Surfing - goofyfooter

    In Australia - left handers are known as molly-dukers (which arose generations ago - left handed fighters were considered not as strong and referred to as molly's which was a reference to a girly fighter; the duker part is from slang for fists - 'put up your dukes').

    Clear as mud???

  10. yep south paw

  11. The Devil's Scribe!

  12. Ned Flanders.

  13. Southpaw.


  14. One slang term is "Southpaw."  I think most people would just call you a left-hander, though.

  15. Southpaw



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