
What is the speed of time? It passes so quickly.

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What is the speed of time? It passes so quickly.




  1. I make it about 2x10^44 'fps'. This is based on the Planck length being the min meaningful distance and the speed of light..>t=d/c=about 5x10^-43sec. Shorter than that 'time' no physically distinguishable 'events' can exist.

  2. Time is the interval between two events and we can measure that interval in any way we choose to define. Time as an entity doesn't exist i.e it doesn't 'flow' and so cannot have a speed

  3. The speed of time is relative.  Location is one factor - heavier masses slow time down.  Direction is another - time flows in the direction of the universe's expansion and retraction.  Finally awareness is a factor - ever been in a room where one person is having fun and you want to go.  Time passes slower for the borded person.

    As for a definition of time: it is a before, now and after, creating demensional depth through corruption of perfect states.  This is how we determine the direction of time since an object tends to degrade.  Degredation = Time's Momentum.

  4. Speed is the name we give to the magnitude of the change of distance (dS) over a time interval (dt).  As time is not measured in distance units (meter, feet, etc.), time has no speed.

    But, and this is a big BUT, a given unit of time interval dt = a is not the same for all observers.  For example, on a ship traveling at v = c/4 (1/4 light speed) if the ship's crew saw dt = 1 second on board, an outside observer watching the ship go by would see dT = 1.03 seconds pass on the ship.  In other words, to the outside observer, time on board the ship has slowed down because a one second tick on the ship's clock took 1.03 seconds according to the outside observer's clock.

    Contrarywise, if the ship's crew could see the wristwatch on the outside observer, they would see that their one second tick lasted only 1/1.03 seconds on that wristwatch.

    All this is called time dilation.  It is an observed result of relativity.  The passage of time (not the speed of time) can vary depending on the where the clock and the observers are.  But the variance is always forward in time, never backward.

  5. The speed of time is undefinied. Time, happiness, darkness, stupidity,

    and much other objects wish cannot be located to an exactly position, is not moving according to physical laws.

  6. Time travels at one second per second.

  7. Well on average it's 60seconds per Minute but don't just take my word for it You can check this your self ....By using a time

  8. The unit "second" is actually defined by SI as such:

    "The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom."

    Good luck trying to comprehend that.

    And in an article in "Discover" magazine, a researcher believes the human mind has the ability to warp time; that's why time seems to "fly" or drone on. Just a theory of course

  9. It may sound daft but,  time runs at the rate of 60 minutes per hour! and 24 hours per day!!

    As such it has no 'speed' in terms of velocity.  It is not a linear measure and is perceived differently by different people at different times and under differing circumstances.

  10. Time is an abstract concept created by humans. It means what we want it to mean and stands for what we want it to stand for. Therefore, time has no speed as time does not actually exist.

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