
What is the spell to become an iguana?

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What is the spell to become an iguana?





    or take care of and iguana till it is full grown

    get an iguana tatoo and switch souls with the iguana thats how i did it

  2. possum innards,needles,iguana tails& a little bit of duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. first you must be naked and on all fours on the ground then you must crawl around and move like a lizard. now chant repeatedly until the transformation occurs.

    iggy iggy iggy

    gwa gwa gwa

    iggy iggy iggy

    iguana come unto me

    iguana come unto me

    iggy gwa iggy gwa iggy gwa

    you will be eating flies in no time.  

  4. Ask the iguana. And do you believe in this nonsense?

    P.D.: Call Samantha of the dumb old tv show sitcom "Bewitched", that lady will help you. Oh brother. RIDICULOUS!

  5. There is no spell that will do this. Magick is not supernatural, the way it is portrayed in movies and stories. You cannot change your physical structure with a spell. This is fantasy.  

  6. What happens when you turn yourself into an iguana and someone cages you up and never pays attention to you. You won't be able to change yourself back to human. There is no spell, buy an iguana costume and wear it if that makes you feel better. .

  7. Iguanas have a life span of 13 years.  Are you ready to die in 13 years?

  8. i dont believe there is one.....

  9. That's a change of pace from all the "how do I become a mermaid" questions.

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