
What is the square root of 4? I just don't know how to get the answer: it is so hard.?

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Could someone help me find the square root of the number 4. Thank You.




  1. 2 or -2

  2. When you square a number you multiply it times itself. When you find the square root of a number you ask yourself what times itself equals (the square) .. in this case 4.

    So, what times itself equals 4? ... 2 and -2

    (2 x 2 = 4) (-2 x -2 = 4)

    If this was a serious question ... the only way to solve for the more difficult square roots (without a calculator) is just memorization.

    2^2 = 4, 3^2 = 9, 4^2 = 16, 5^2 = 25, 6^2 = 36, 7^2 = 49, etc, etc, ...

    Good luck!

  3. the sq. root of 4 would be equal to 2

    because 2*2=4

  4. There are actually two square roots of 4: +2 and -2, since

    2^2 = 4


    (-2)^2 = 4.

  5. The squareroot of 4 is 2 becuase square is the opposite of squareroot and 2 squared is 4! Makes sense?

  6. Are you kidding me? it's 2, because 2^2=4

    good luck and thank you for easy 2 points!

  7. if you cant figure out what the square root of 4 is you really either have just not learned math yet, or if you have you really need help...


    2 squared = 4

    squares and square roots are opposites...

  8. You're a level 2 answerer with 13% best answers and you don't know the square root of 4? Gimme a break.

  9. Don't listen to all those people; they don't know what they are talking about.  The square root of 4 was changed to 2.14 nearly a four years ago by Congress.  It was part of the Head Start program.  However, you can still regard the answer as 2 provided you were born after June 1984 and have a gross annual income of less than $12K before any accrued capital gains.  

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