
What is the square root of "0"?

by Guest59619  |  earlier

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What is the square root of "0"?




  1. it's 0 squared -0

  2. the square root of 0 is 0...

  3. √0=0

  4. is there even a possible answer?

    what multiplied by it self gives zero must be zero

    but that's like saying zero squared is zero which is stupid really.

    Because zero multiplied by anything gives zero and zero divided by anything is zero and anything dived by zero is unknown so really it makes no sense to ask whats the square root of zero....

  5. The square root of 0 is 0.

  6. Remember that the square root of a number is the number which when multiplied itself, gives you back the original number.  Since 0*0 = 0, the square root of 0 is 0.

  7. 0

  8. √0

    = √(0 * 0)

    = 0

  9. Your asking, what number multiplied by itself is zero.

    The only possibility is zero. (0x0=0).

  10. The square root of 0 is 0.  

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