
What is the stance of PETA members on Abortion?

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I know that the organization deals directly with animal rights and does not involve itself with human rights. However, I am wondering where members of PETA stand individually. Do they tend to lean more towards Pro- life or Pro- choice?




  1. It's sad. The value of one human life should have importance again. It's sad now it has to be compared & devalued when animal life is protected.

    I like people who value the life God gave us.  

  2. PETA is in a different class. I think they might tend to be pro life since they protest spaying and neutering as cruel and unusual punishment. Does that only apply to animals for them. I would tend to believe not, but then I almost got trampled by them when they were having a demonstration, since I am a nudist I had no idea what was going on I thought it was a chance at being nude in the city and not get a summons for it, I had no idea and had a cheeseburger in my hand, big no no I almost got killed.

    True story too.

  3. They probably think that the less humans the better.    

  4. I doubt they take the time to think about one stance or the other. They don't seem to feel the need to care about human rights as long as there is a neglected goldfish in a bowl somewhere to save.

  5. I'm pro-life and a PETA supporter

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