
What is the standard of living for Saudi Arabia?

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What is the standard of living for Saudi Arabia?




  1. Economically Saudi Arabia is one of the fastest growing nations in the present world. The GDP per capita of the country is around $23,000, making it a developed nation. However, the benefits of rapid growth has not felt everywhere equally. There have been some key changes over last 25 years. Literacy rate grew to over 85% from 23% in 1980. Medical health care system is better than that of USA. Some cities like Riyadh are highly modernized and has multi-million dollar businesses. Many modern facilities found in Western countries are vastly accessible in Saudi Arabia.

  2. well u can't be a liar ,stealer,or adultery b/c it is a sin to do that in a muslim country.If this happens u will most likely bring shame to ur family & they will disown u.Also u can be killed or get ur hands chopped off for stealing

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