
What is the state of future political scenario of India?

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What is the state of future political scenario of India?




  1. BLEAK

  2. Advani will become next prime minister and there will come Ram rajya  by BJP

  3. Gone are and will be the days of single party rule.Coalition governments are here to stay.And

    with coalition governments,you can be sure that the game of horse trading will be the most popular sport with stakes hitting unprecedented

    heights.All new entrants to politics will jockey for position of Grade A sycophancy because

    that will be the launching pad for a seat in the

    local municipality,from which one would rise to the state assembly to junior minister,to cabinet

    post,to seat in parliament,to minister of state,to

    cabinet rank which is the highest one can aspire to,given that dynastic politics will halt further progress.But then,rising to the final level

    as mentioned will ensure a lifestyle befitting

    royalty for the next 20 to 25 generations.Who said India is a poor country?

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