
What is the status of doctors in spain ?

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is it high as in US and INDIA or is it low ?




  1. Hello, I am Spanish,

    The status of doctors in Spain is very high. The access to study the degree of Medicine requires the highest marks in High School and exam of access to university. Also, in the survey of the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) about the ranking of professions, it is at the highest positions, only surpassed by judges and high levels of the administration and government, mainly.

    However, as the Spanish health system is massified and lacks resources comparing to the wide coverage that it guarantees, general practitioners (called "medicos de cabecera") have not a good reputation, since they have to deal in a very short time with a large amount of patients and, consequently, tend not to pay enough attention to each of them. That's the reason why private doctors and specialists have much better reputation, even tough, sometimes, not deserving it.

  2. its very high

  3. high

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