
What is the status of spain to the philippines?

by  |  earlier

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what are the points considered in selling the philippines




  1. their is no status of spain to the phillipines. if you havent heard, the phillipines were liberated from spain quite some time ago.

  2. Huh?  The Philippines were not SOLD... they were LOST to the U.S. by Spain as spoils of the SPANISH-AMERIKAN WAR.

    So... your question "what are the points considered in selling the philippines" doesn't MAKE ANY SENSE... you don't know your own history.... do you?   Because you can't even spell the name "Philippines" correctly

  3. the status of spain to the philippines is that they are two sovereign countries on opposite sides of the planet

    another status spain has in relation to the philippines is that it was once the colonial power

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