
What is the status of women in Australia?

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This is for a school project and I can't find it anywhere...

What is the status of women and indigenous people in Australia?




  1. Women and indigenous people are full and equal citizens in every way. Their rights are protected by strict anti-discrimination laws.

  2. Australia, has a female deputy Prime Minister, a state premier, and high court judges all women, every women in Australia is treated as a equal, all people in Australia are given free education, in the public education system, equal rights to any job they want, the right to vote, the right to own personal property such as houses and businesses and anything else they want, women have the rights to travel basically what ever a man can do a woman can do. equally and freely, this is protected by law. not that the law needs to be there as everyone just treats women as equals

  3. They generally have to be obeyed, if not you get into trouble and find yourself sleeping with the dog. Most guys are scared of their wife/gf. The only two people on this planet that scare me are the dentist and my fiancee, lol. jk. They have all the opportunities of men and play key roles in all facets of Australian life. (except driving) lol.

  4. Lemme refer u to this:

  5. We were the first country to give equal rights to women, including fair pay and the right to vote.

    We are all equal

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