
What is the statute of limitations for credit card debt in Florida?

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I am on my 5th collector in 8 years asking for a payment. Current company is in UT. LA, GA & MA are some of the prior. My Credit is perfect. This is from when I was in school.




  1. Stan left out the part where credit card debts are only 4 years because they are not considered written contracts in Florida.  I guess that's his collection agent training kicking in.  ;)

    Send these agencies a "cease and desist" letter with a not that the debt is beyond the SOL and is now "time barred".  If they wish to continue to waste time and money trying to collect it's up to them.

    Usually, once you have shown them you understand your rights, they will leave you alone.

  2. Florida Statutes of Limitation

    Contract or written instrument and for mortgage foreclosure: 5 years. F.S. 95.11.

    Libel, slander, or unpaid wages: 2 years.

    Judgments: 20 years total and to be a lien on any real property, it has to be re-recorded for a second time at 10 years.

    The limitations period begins from the date the last element of the cause of action occurred, (95.051). NOTE: The limitation period is tolled (stopped) for any period during which the debtor is absent from the state and each time a voluntary payment is made on a debt arising from a written instrument.

    Almost all other actions fall under the 4-year catch-all limitations period,

  3. There is none...if you want it go away  pay up!

  4. Studly is correct. We have a 4 year SOL on credit card debts here in Florida. We just recently had some case law come out where creditors tried to argue that the SOL for written contracts (5 years) applies, but the judge ruled against that.

  5. 4 years is the law

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