
What is the story behind the website ""?

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What is the story behind the website ""?




  1. it is just a spin off from other answer sites

  2. I know a couple of people who have tried this Pete person.

    One said that he was very precise on 99 percent of this remarks and answers.(really unbelievable)

    The other person said he was very reluctant about answering  because he felt the person asking him questions didn't really  believe in him .

  3. It's a trick.

    First, instead of typing in the petition box, “Peter, please answer the . . .” begin by instead typing:


    That’s right. Simply type a period. What happens next is pure magical genius.

    Instead of seeing what you’d expect (a “.”) you see a “P”. Then type whatever the heck you want and the rest of the phrase “Peter, please answer the following” appears.

    As long as nobody pays any attention to where your fingers are actually landing the prank works slick.

    The trick to the prank is to here type in the answer to whatever question you are going to ask next. When you’re done just keep typing until the phrase is complete. Whenever you hit the “:” your cursor will jump to the next box–where you’ll type in the actual question.

    Hit return and bingo! Whatever you really typed into the petition box appears. and peter answers for advanced users

    Once you get the hang of how works, it won’t be long before you run into a little snag. The problem is, sometimes your answer is much shorter (has fewer characters to type) than the 41 keystrokes it takes to type “peter please answer the following question”:

    There are actually three ways to solve this problem:

       1. Type another “.” When you do this, the program opens back up and shows exactly what you are typing again. For example, if your “answer” was “Lisa.” That’s only 4 keystrokes, which would take you to “Pete” in the petition. Just type another “.” after the last letter of your answer. Now you’ll have “Peter” and from now on you can continue typing the rest of the petition, “please answer the following question:”

       2. Another option is to fake it until you get to “Peter, please answer.” You don’t have to keep punching keys until the entire long petition is filled out. Just remember to type the “:” when you’re done.

       3. The final way to make this work is to simply play dumb. Pretend you lost control of your fingers and type a “:” when you’re done. As soon as you type the “:” you’ll skip to the next box. Just say “oops” or something and keep going.

    So there, my dear friends. The truth has set you free. Once the mystery of is solved, the novelty wears off pretty quickly doesn’t it?

    And if you’re a school teacher, it’s really fun to watch two things:

    1) The air escaping from the Peter Answers carriers as they lose their power, and

    2) The enlightenment of one who only recently had been losing their minds in a state of confused awe.

  4. Looks like a Catholic thingy involving prayers to St Peter.

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