
What is the story/meaning behind the Seven Lucky Stars?

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I have just recently had my palm read and i was just wondering if anybody knew what the psychic meant when she said i was born on the seven lucky stars. She said my first "star" would happen at the end of this year? What does that mean?




  1. Hm.  She might have been referring to the Pleiades.  They

    have often been referred to as "the Seven Sisters".  Although

    the historic interp tends to vary a bit.

    Some anticdotal information on their effect is beneficial.

    But other sources show a negative side as well.

    The only other possibility I can think of is that of an indirect

    reference to Traditional Astrology.  That form only uses the

    seven planets of Ancient and Medieval Astrology.  And by

    Progression (a method of astological prediction) one can

    assign the rulership of various years to each planet.

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