
What is the story on that Greyhound Bus decapitation murder up in Canada?

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What is the story on that Greyhound Bus decapitation murder up in Canada?




  1. Regarding punishing the murderer, I would send him back to China

  2. The second answerer is an idiot....this is very serious. That poor guy =(

  3. I think someone's been watching too many horror movies- that is too funny, lol

  4. well, today they will lay tin mcClean to rest. There will be thousands of people there. The monster that did this? He's awaiting trial for 2nd degree murder..probally will plead insanity ans sit in prison for the rest of his life.....should have killed him right there..right at the scene. That's canada and our tax money. n.lindgren ogema sk canada

  5. Here you go:

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