
What is the story with delegates that backed up regarding the elections? What are delegates anyway?

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What is the story with delegates that backed up regarding the elections? What are delegates anyway?




  1. To appreciate this you have to understand something about the Socialist mind-set. Socialists, though often preaching the wonders of democracy do not actually trust their future to the democratic process. People are too fickle and uninformed to be trusted with such power. Therefore they have developed ways to circumvent or usurp the power of the people. Usually this means appealing bad electoral loses to the courts. But they also developed the “delegate” process for the DNC primary. It was created after the McGovern loss to Nixon (49-1 states for Nixon). Americans  rejected the openly Socialists McGovern even though they did not necessarily love Nixon.  The Delegate process guarantees that the DNC’s chances for victory does not fall into the hands of the electorate. Note that it only exists in the DNC not the GOP.

    Delegates are the people chosen to represent the electorate after the actual ballots have been cast. They are not required to adhere to the electoral results from the polls.

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