
What is the strangest ,funniest or unusual thing you have seen your horse do.?

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What is the strangest ,funniest or unusual thing you have seen your horse do.?




  1. Well I dont know if this would count but when I frist got my TB gelding I would have him in the field with plenty of grass but one night my boyfriend came home from work and told me that I needed to go get the horse and I was like I just came from out there where is he at? and I got to looking and he was in the neighbors yard, the funny thing is that the fence and everything was still up. I dont know how he got out but he did, like the old saying goes the grass is always greener on the other side....LOL

  2. i have a percheron/Shire and he is the most lazy horse in the world and i saw him and he was rolling in the dirt and he laid on his back, spread out his legs and sun bathed. He would move to different positions to get sun on every side. hey i thought that it was weird

  3. Well, mine has nothing to do with a horse, but rather a donkey. I purchased a little pasture mate donkey for my favorite horse after his pasture mate died. And since they are housed in the pasture RIGHT by my house, and because he wants the world to know he's still intact the little donkey will come to the master bedroom window and at all hours of the night start breying and keep going(He's gone an upwards of 3-4 minutes on one try) he'll do this until you come to the window or the door tell him to shut up and then he'll walk away. Then when you lay back down in bed and get comfortable, he'll go again.

    I think it's time to seriously consider moving pastures.

  4. Well up at the ranch, my fathers dog has a toy that when bumped shakes around and sings, he loves that dang thing. It is the size and shape of a softball. And he will play with if for hours on end, that is unless, my mare girlfriend finds it. She will pick up the toy, and run all over the pasture chasing the other horses, with the toy in her mouth. When it stops she drops it and makes it dance again. Whats even funnier is the dog running behind her cuz she his toy, he doesn't nip just run behind her and waits for his chace to get his toy back.

    Another horse we had years ago, named Bob, loved to get ridden. I mean LOVED it. He love to get ridden so much he would buck. He wouldn't buck with any one on his back. He would buck on his way to get saddled, on his way to the arena, or the trailer. And when I say buck,  I mean bawlin' and squawlin' and curlywolfin' and sunfishin'. But never would he pull on the lead rope, and once the saddle was on his back, he turned in to one of the best kids horses we have ever seen. I mean put a toddler on his back and he would not let it fall. Great kids horse but you had to saddle him where the kids couldn't see him buck. Other wise they where to scared to ride him. But he wasn't mean he just had, "Happy Feet". And just to let you know no dang cartoon influenced us with that cuz this was in the 80's, that we had Bob. I miss him but he is with a good family still.

  5. I had this paint gelding that use to take those road cones and flip them in the air and they would land on his back and he would walk around with the darn thing on him.   I have only seen him miss once, the rest of the time the little guy had it down, 1, 2, 3, flip, on his back.

  6. Most adorable story you will ever hear-

    At the stable I ride at, there were 2 horses that were like best buds. Well not exactly, one of them liked the other, but the other didn't. One was a 14 year old adorable Connemara, named Tucker, who had that lazy puppy dog look on his face, because his eyelids were always drooped low, so it looked like he was half-asleep every day. That was the exact opposite, he was full of personality.

    The other horse was a very old chestnut grade horse, older than 25 years, named Nick, he truly didn't have any personality.

    Tucker absolutely loved Nick; he would follow him around in the pasture and whinny for him when he wasn't there, but Nick on the other hand, really didn't care or just tried to avoid Tucker. Some days, when Nick wasn't being ridden that day, Tucker would whinny over and over and look over at the pasture and call for Nick, it was adorable.

    When the horses eat in their stalls, Nick always takes long, because he is old. Tucker would wait for Nick to finish eating, so they could walk out to the pasture together. Sometimes the stablehands would have to use a leadrope to try to lead Tucker out to the pasture, but he wouldn't like it.

    One day, Tucker jumped over his stall door from a stand still, just to get to Nick's stall.

    Sometimes, in the pasture, if another horse is beign mean to Nick, Tucker would get in between them, his ears flat back, and would snarl at the other horse, defending Nick.

    Another time in the pasture, early in the morning, Tucker was neighing like crazy, because he 'lost' Nick. So, one of the instructors had to walk out there and help Tucker find Nick. It turns out, Nick was hiding behind a tree.

    My friends and I always talked about how Tucker would never be the same when Nick would die of old age. But it turns out, Tucker died before Nick, supposedly of a heart attack. Soon after that, Nick died of old age. :(

    Stories of my pony -

    My pony is a grade pinto (Most likely having paint/QH in him) and ever since I started leasing him, he gets more and more personality.

    He is very well known for 'fake-peeing'. When he doesn't want to do something, he will get into a peeing position, in an attempt to fool the rider.

    In the paddock, after untacking him and brushing him down, he always expects a treat, so he would search my hands and look around for a treat. This obviously tempts me into going and getting him one. When I return with the treat, and he sees it in my hand, he arches his neck like a dressage horse and paws on the ground, making him look like a little kid who's laying on the ground and banging his fists on the ground b/c he wants something. His favorite treat are these apple-flavored treats I have. Every time I reward him with one of my apple-treats, he would shake his head up and down as if he's saying "Yes, I like these!"

    Every day before a show, I like to bathe him and brush his mane and tail to perfection. When i was brushing his mane, I was next to his head, facing him. Suddenly, I feel this weight put on my shoulder, and i notice that he's laying his head on my shoulder >.< Ever since then, he liked to do that, or I would put my shoulder under his head, and he would rest it there.

    In fact, yesterday, he did something silly. Normally, every day, when I lead him to a mounting block to get on, he always either fake-pees, or actually pees. Today, he was peeing, and I was patting him, b/c he wasn't fake peeing. He then, turns his head and watches himself pee, as if he's saying "So you pat me when I do this?"

    Adorable stories :)

  7. my old arab used to chase his tail when he was in his stall. :]]]] haha

  8. We had 3 horses at the time, and my gelding is full of personality.  What ever was laying in the arena, when they were turned out in it, he would pick up and hit and chase the two mares around.  One day there was a lunge whip laying in the arena, and he picked it up by the handle none the less, and started hitting one of the mares with it.  Luckily for her she was stepping on the whip part so he could only pick it up so far and couldn't hit her too hard with it.  The other thing he will pick up is caution cones.  He picks them up by a corner on the base, and chase the other horses around with them and hit them with it.  It is so funny to watch.  Its like a little kid trying to get someone to play with him.

  9. The strangest thing I saw my horse do was kick the wall for hours on end.  We took my other horse out to be trailered to a lesson and we locked the other in her stall.  The horse locked in her stall put her forehead flat up against the wall and started kicking with only her right front leg.  I don't know what was wrong with her but she did it for two hours strait!  She's fine now but I wonder what had gotten into her.

  10. my thoroughbred Whisper is a big girl, 16.2hh.

    i was out on a hack and she stopped, looked round and then walked me over to a bush to do droppings!

    it was hilarious! it was like she was embarassed to be seen. haha

    also i was grooming my arab Jessie for a show and she looked gorgeous when i had finished. it had taken me 1 and a half hours to get her perfect. i opened her stable door and she has the tendency to run out if she sees Daisy in the field opposite. She ran out and jumped the field fence and landed in the biggest pool of mud ever. i was SO ANGRY but it was funny :)

  11. well. the horse i use 2 ride was quite smart,;

    he was in a paddock with a mare and anotehr gelding (smaller than him)

    Anyway Tom (the horse).

    teh mare was in season and the otehr gelding was kickign her and beign mean. Tom cantered up and kicked teh gelding and then pushed the mare into a cattle thingy and was walking up and down, not lettin he rout or Rusty in,

    very funny

    he also looked down were i had my crop steped out and smashed the light then stepped bak and whinnied,

    smart boy

    i miss him

  12. well...

    Flicka (my old pony) would open the bin lid for the dog food and knock the hole bin over so the dogs could eat.

    Frank (my pony who recently died) if you left the front door open and he was grazing the drive he would walk inside and walk down the hall into my bedroom and lay down.

    I taught my mare Molly to pick up buckets and now she decided that when I wash her its quite fun to empty the soapy water all over me when I'm not looking.

    Molly also turns on the outside shower with out any trouble!!!

    We have strange ponies...

    Flicka was Molly's Mother.

  13. This is probably not the strangest, but I still think it's pretty funny when he does it. I love when my horse scratches his ear with his back hoof like a dog. ^_^ lol

    Another silly thing I've seen- One of the barn cats took a ride on my friends Appy. He just jumped up there from the fence and stayed on her horse while he walked around the pasture.

  14. When I was picking my (very clever) connemara's feet, she bent round and pulled my johds down! that was extremely embarresing seeing as my friend was there too!

    Also, one i was walking past my ponies water bucket, my pony was in the stable. Suddenly the pony runs up to me and closes me into the bucket so I fall in!

    Haha i miss him :( :(

  15. One day a small kitten crawled under my Morgan's stall door.  He didn't want to step on it (he loved cats), so he picked it up  and walked round and round his stall trying to decide where it would be safe.  He finally dropped it in his water bucket (yes, someone rescued the kitty). >^..^<

  16. Several years ago, I owned a pure morgan mare. She wasnt worked with at all till I got her. The first time we sacked her out, she ran over to the yearling in the pen and started running circles around him as fast as she could.

  17. My horse think he is a human, so majority of the things he does are weird lol! like i say kiss kiss, and he kisses me! But the best would have been when i was butting him in the day yard, i had a packet of chips (for me) in one hand and 2 biscuts of lucerne in the other, (he was just following me!)lol. well i walked the whole was down without him even attempting to grab a bite of the lucerne (CHAMP LOL) but i got to the day yard and the little **** grabed my chips and trotted to the end of the yard! when i met up with him and went to take them back he tiped them all out so i obviousally wouldnt want them anymore! and he ate every last bit! lol. Now if i take something up there when i go to feed him for myself i make sure i birng enough to share! ha ha ha

  18. Well over the decades I've had LOTS of horses do silly things.  I had a 6 yr old TB who decided that a 2 yr old QH was playing too rough with his 18 yr old QH best friend and everytime the 2 yr old would get too rough with the 18 yr old, my 6 yr old would put himself between the two, rear up at the 2 yr old and DARE him to play with him.

    Recently, my now 3 yr old QH filly has found a squeaky toy of Ronald Regan and has been picking it up squeaking it and chasing the other two geldings around the arena with it.

    Silly filly!

  19. Two different things.  First, my husband used to ride a horse that absolutely loved beer.  Put your beer down and he would go over (I'm serious), pick up the can, lift it up in the air and down the beer.  It was hilarious.

    Second:  My daughter leased a horse for a year that would curl his tongue out over his nose whenever he saw us.  He wanted it scratched.  It became a game with everyone at the barn.  They would call his name, he would curl his tongue over his muzzle and get a scratch-you could also grab his tongue and pull on it -of course very gently and he LOVED it.  He would also l**k your hand for what seemed like hours.  Some strange sort of tongue fetish I guess.

  20. My black and white filly licks hands faces and necks! she has also taken up l*****g the dog and the cat. The strange thing is they both let her, they all have a weird bond, the mare also sleeps like she is dead. I don't mean standing up she sacks out in the sun flat out and her top legs don't rest on the ground they stick out like she is stiff. I live on the side of a highway and the pen faces the road, I have people that stop to tell me my horse is dead! I usually end up walking them out to the pen and letting them love on her as she lets anyone near her while she is down. She is fine there is nothing wrong with her she just loves her naps!

    I also had a mare when I was a kid that loved to have her hiney scratched. She got to the point where she would pin you against the wall of her stall if you went paying attention till she felt like you had scratched her enough.

  21. my friend's pony scratches his face with his hind leg.

  22. It was actually my dad's horse.  We went out to the pasture, and she was asleep in the shed.  She was full out down all the way on her side, with her front hooves curled in like a cat (which was quite an achievement for her being a draft).  Her back legs were twitching slightly, as were her lips and ears.  I guess she was dreaming.  Twice, two other horses snorted and she jumped about a foot in the air both times, but never woke up.  Pretty funny to watch.

  23. Yesterday I went out to lunge our pony in his paddock. He took off when he saw the lunge whip - too much like hard work. He hid in the tack room! How's that for an easy catch.

    And he's normally so smart....

    Today I thought I'd give him a run around in the arena. He only went around once, second time he just jumped out over the 1.2m fence  ....little toad.

  24. my Quarab likes to scratch on a tree, but instead of just standing there and rubbing against it, he like lays on it and picks up his foot to get his full weight on it, he loves that.

  25. My horse loves peanut butter. And not just on and apple or something, but from a spoon. She also stands in the doorway of our clubs kitchen if you tell her to stay while you get a drink. Shes a smartie and a half.

    My friends pony was getting his hooves done, and while the farrier was doing his front hoof, Chance turned his head around and lay it on the farriers back. What a sweetie.

  26. I was cleaning her for a show and my inexperianced friend was helping and i let my friend wash his legs and she bent down with her bum in the air and my horse bit her bum it was halarious!

  27. I had to put a sign on the stable doors with my last horse "Beware!  LOW FLYING BUCKETS!!" as my little darling would throw all his buckets around and out the door.  Actually it was not very funny as it cost me a fortune in buckets until my grandfather found some old stone troughs which we built onto a stand.  He could not move it!

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