
What is the strangest and scariest thought you have EVER had??

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What is the strangest and scariest thought you have EVER had??




  1. I sometimes think that I might be retarded, or dead, or something equally horrible, and that everyone forgot to tell me, so I dont' realize.

    Like maybe, I suck at doing things, because I'm just not as smart as other people. Or maybe i'm actually a ghost, and that's why noone notices me sometimes.

  2. My brother dying in front my eyes and I couldn't do anything to save him.

  3. My friend heard a hillarius joke and told it to me:

    "What would rather rather see, 8 babies in a jar, or one baby in 8 jars".  Imagine that, it's sick.

  4. I think about people I love who have died and where they might be but the thing that scares me is to think there is nothing forever. Kind of like it is before you're born.

  5. this is a few years ago now.

    but often I'd have this feeling that I slept in to long.. so long that the world had come to and end and when I looked outside I was the only one left in the city.. everyone had moved on to the moon or somewhere else and I was alone..

  6. my dad killing my sis vice versa.

  7. my parents trying to kill me but since this was a dream when  tried to kill my mom she wouldnt die and that guy from saw like the old guy was coming in my house so it wads scary

  8. After I woke up in my house alone one day, after watching 28 Day Later, I began to think "Something's happened to everyone. They've been infected by the rage virus!" No joke I honestly started to panic. But luckily my mam rang me like 10 mins after I woke up so nothing had happened LOL. Still was the scariest thought I've had!

  9. Scariest thought:

    In h**l repentance will have no effect whatsoever.


    Most comforting thought:


  10. the scariest is that my kid was hit by a car. the strangest is i just want to clamp peoples mouths when they talk sometimes, i can see my self doing that in my head, if they r talking too much.

  11. Killing myself.

    I still have those thoughts.

  12. "Who is that strange man outside staring at me maniacly  through the window?"

    I didn't care for the answer, I called the cops.

  13. My dad mutilating me. He was a monster when I was young, one never knew exactly what he would do, or how far he would go.

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