
What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

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What is the strangest dream you've ever had?




  1. this happened a long time ago, in seventh grade.

    well, there was this hot 8th grader that liked me (in real life) and i had a dream I was walking with my best friend Lexie and then Tyler (the 8th grader) came to walk with me to my next class.  Well, once me and Tyler started talking, Lexie kept meowing.  And meowing and meowing.  So me  and Tyler start doing to hymlyke monover on her and then i woke up and my cat was meowing at the door.

    It was quite hilarious.

    that's not really strange, well kinda, but that's not my strangest dream ever.

  2. I dreamed I kissed one of my really close guy friends a few weeks after he moved. And its been a reoccurring dream over the last 2 years.

  3. It was a dream in which I was tied loosely to a bed.  I could have gotten loose if I wanted to, but I chose to remain there.  A man whom I seemed to have some deep, mysterious trust for approached me with a power drill.  I opened my mouth and he drilled into the back of my throat.  Meat.  Smoke and bits of flesh were flying out of my mouth.  I didn't feel any pain.  I woke up from the dream feeling the most relaxing, most refreshing feeling of contentment and comfort I've ever known.

    It was similar to the feeling I actually had in a dream before this one in which I was lying in a booth in a very brightly-lighted, 60s style diner with lots of clean chrome, red upholstery and a black-and-white checkered floor.  I was in a booth, like I said, and I was rolled up into a zig zag paper and smoked like marijuana.  This had the same sense of utter relaxation and contentment.  I've found that dreams are messages concerning our eternal state -- our immortality.  Interesting here is that I've found cannabis to be an enlightening part of my own search for immortality in that it turns the dialup connection between your body and spirit into a broadband connection, allowing a faster ascension to godhood and eternal life.  You can't just lay around, get high and listen to Pink Floyd, though.  You actually have to put the effort of thinking about yourself in relation to eternity while you're high to get the most benefit from it.  That's when answers come burbling to the surface out of your own mind.


  4. Um.. The only ones i can remember..

    The one were my mom like kept on having clones of herself and they all wanted to be my mother! ha ha.

    and the one were this Chihuahua was raping to me!

    and the one i thought my mom was an alien.

    and the one that my whole school came on there bikes just to tell me to go outside with them?

    Ha ha. those are the ones ill always remember threw out all these years.

  5. My strangest dream was the one I had when I was a kid.  There were a line of buggie cars and each one had a number on it from 0-10.  I went into the first car because it was so interesting looking but as soon as I stepped inside I wasn't inside a car.  I was inside a holiday.  The first car was Easter (I think we had just celebrated Easter when I dreamt this).  The bunny had huge ears and it looked like it was a costume but when he started to talk you could tell that he was real.  I couldn't hear what he was saying because I was looking at all of the colored eggs when I noticed lights coming out from car number 2 so I rudely walked away from the bunny and found my way back to the door and stepped out and went to car number two. That car had the holiday Holloween inside it and it was sooooo creepy.  I remember the witch looked like the wicked witch of the west from the Wizord of OZ and laughed like her too.  She was flying around on that broom and swooping down real low towards me I got so scared that I ran away that laugh was horrible it made me cry.  Then I ran to the next car and inside it was Christmas there were Christmas trees lit up and there was snow on the ground.  Homes had fires lit because the smoke was coming out of the chimney.  There were presents scattered everywhere and little kids running and laughing.  Everyone was holding cups of hot chocolate and laughing.  Teenagers were skipping, parents had smiles on their faces and little kids were so happy you could feel their happines.  That was all I could remember but I remembered it forever even the feelings of excitement and fear I had to this very day.      

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