
What is the strangest event you have witnessed at a Aussie Rules Game?

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Mine has to be when David Cloke was player/coach of Ainslie in the ACT competition.

His wife was told by one of the Ainslie runners to shutup as she was giving him advice about what to say to the players. To cut a long story short she came onto the field at 3/4 time and told David what the runner had said while he was addressing the players. He had to stop talking to the team and go and sort out the fiasco.

After winning 15 games straight the club split and went onto lose 5 in a row - but recovered to win the ACT premiership with Cloke best on ground.

However, I don't think I will ever forget her running onto the field screaming at 3/4 time.




  1. When i was at the Gabba someone threatened too push someone off the second story of the G ( and just for what he said about his team on a poster ! )

  2. Gotta agree with alfumpire, the strangest events at footy games Ive seen always involve the umpires..

    Grass roots wa south west league:

    1. Umpire getting screamed at by the coach then given a red card?????

    2. Umpire at a colts game getting decked by a parent running out onto the field in the middle of the 3rd quarter.

    3. Umpire walking off the field copped a hotdog in the face..

  3. I was umpiring an under 14 grand final.

    the 3rd quater had a lop sided free kick count and I had made one or two bad calls....

    so at 3/4 time, a parent came out onto the ground and started yelling and shouting in my face.

    I dont remember exactly what he said as it only lasted for 15 or so seconds but it was something like..

    'Your a f*cking moron you wan*er c*ck sucking cheat! How much did you get paid for this f*cking c**p?..blah blah blah...

    he also threw in some words which I had never herd of before too!

    so, they were down by 15 pts at the 3/4 time break...their team came back to win by 4!

  4. Years ago at the MCG  Round 22 1999 Rich v Carl the main scoreboard caught on fire and for awhile looked real dicey!!

    5 years earlier at the Western Oval Isaw a man being arrested on what i thought was drunken behaviour but turned out that he was being surveilled and was a big time crook who actually had a face mask on to hide his identity!!

    Lastly i saw Mark Thompson and support staff burst out of a room as me and my mate were right near the door chilling out after a quick "smoke"...their intensity was like staff in an emergency room!!

  5. Many years ago at Subiaco oval the fremantle dockers played an anzac match against someone (i cant remember who anymore) and they had the sounds of machine guns,choppers,bombs as the lead singer from "RedGum" sang i was only 19  as a tribute.  Alot of the war veterans started freaking out (my dad is a veteran) he had one guy crying on hsi shoulder, others were screaming,some just walked out it was more scary then it was anything else they have never done the show again.

    We left at half time freo were going down by about 8 goals

  6. My God, she sounds like a stupid, stuck up 8**** ! I have seen her at games and can just imagine her carrying on; I bet a few ppl wanted to deck her!

    I can't think of anything overly strange that I have seen at games, perhaps only on tv like when the MCG scoreboard caught fire or when the lights went out on the Saints and Bombers at Waverly. The stories I have heard about ppl peeing during the Mexican Wave are odd too!

  7. Back in my Army days we used to play our sister squadron from Sydney once a year for bragging rights and a tin cup, these games were full on and all the boys used it to let of a bit of steam.

    One year we played in Winton in North west Queensland

    in a paddock behind the showgrounds, one of our players had to be replaced 5 minutes into the game because he was bitten by a snake!

    In the AFL/VFL when Brereton ran through the Essendon huddle at the end of quarter time

  8. i saw a referee/ umpire get dacked and then the guy who dacked him pissed on him

  9. Western Bulldogs vs Melbourne (I think) this year in a NAB Challenge game.

    I think it was up at Bendigo, Bulldogs had a good lead in the last quarter, then all of a sudden in the middle of play the lights went out. After trying to get them back on and failing the game was called off and a win was awarded to the Bulldogs. Funny if this happened in the real season to the Gold Coast team :D

  10. I'm not really sure... can't think of any particular incidents or events... maybe when that umpire took a mark in a Freo-Saints game at Subi (I was watching on TV)

    that first answer reminded me of the StKilda-Essendon game at Waverley Park (I live about 5minutes drive from Waverley Park) where the lights went out. Play just stopped and people just ran onto the ground and some even started climbing the goalposts!! (which was strange)

    ...and then we came back on Tuesday to play out the rest of the match. I think it happened in the 3rd quarter... so watching a quarter-and-a-bit of footy on a Tuesday was strange as well

    Essendon Won :(

  11. everytime i went to footy park i'd see the same "obese" kid go and get pies, hot dogs, ice cream and coke in every qtr break. I reckon i saw him at about 40 odd games and every break he'd inhale enough for half of africa to feed on. He was like watching a tree muncher. Poor kid, his parents were just like him. He was probable about 12.

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