
What is the strangest fact you know?

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What is the strangest fact you know?




  1. - In Albania, nodding your head means 'no' and shaking your head means 'yes'.

    - It is illegal to mispronounce [sp?] Arkansas in Arkansas.


  2. most lipsticks contain fish scales

    slugs have 4 noses

    chewing gum whilst peeling an onion will stop you from crying

    theres a few =D

  3. That Brooklyn is on Long Island.

  4. All the swans in England are legally owned by the queen.

    Women blink twice as much as men.

    And avocado is poisonous to birds.

  5. Marilin Monroe had six toes on one of her feet

  6. 99.999999999% of people don't know the names of our Sun and Moon. Try asking a few people.

    They're called 'Sol' and 'Luna'

  7. The only one I remember is that the words orange & wheelbarrow don't rhyme with any other words in the English language

    I think the cabbage fact should win, it's a classic

  8. That the heart of a blue whale is the size of a car, weighs 600 kg, and beats 5 times a minute when swimming or 3 times a minute when resting.

  9. You only breath thjrough one nostril at a time! the nostrils change over after 20 minutes - honest.

    to check this out put the bak of your hand under your nose and blow out and check this after a little while throuighout the day!

    It's not a joke - honest

  10. This is going to take a moment - but I know the origin of the circle with a diagonal line to denote NO to someting.  i.e. No Cell Phones in a store...

    It originated with medieval coats of arms on  a knight's shield.  There are three ways that a knight was granted knighthood.  

    If he was granted knighthood by the church, his coat of arms was divided into 4 secions, and the divider shaped like a cross.

    If he was knighted through heredity his coat of arms would be divided into 4 equal sections, more or less square.

    If he was knighted through battle, the coar of arms had a diagonal line through it, called a "barre".  If you were looking at the coat of arms, the Barre taveled in the direction the knight drew his sword.  So, a right handed knight's barre (shield on left arm) traveled from the top left of the shield to bottom right.  

    A left-handed knight's barre traveled from teh top right corner to the bottom left.  Since left handed swordsmen were not as common, and harder to defeat, this symbol became known as the "barre sinister".

    A left handed knight was also very difficult to defeat in joust.  The lance would have been carried in the arm closest to the opponent, while the opponent had to carry his lance across the body.  Thus, the left handed knight had an advantage.  The barre sinister became associated with things best to avoid.

    The symbol was kept in use for ages, and eventually migrated into the symbol we see today.  So, that is the origin of the big red circle with the slash through it.

    see - told you it would take a while

  11. Greece has the highest percentage of adults having regular s*x (at least once a week) out of any country. The US is third to last.

  12. An ostriches eye is bigger then its brain!

  13. your tongue is the strongest muscle in your whole body!

  14. you have more chance guessing someones phone number than winning the lottery

  15. Celery has negative calories. You burn off more calories eating celery than it gives you. Now You Know.

  16. When a Mallard duck quacks in a tunnel it does not have an echo!!!!

  17. people get pregnant

  18. typex is made out of caterpillar snot and seaweed which tastes like liquorice.

  19. the weight of human poo is one third bacteria, theres also dead skin and parts of your bowel and colon......


    and, humans share over 40% of there DNA with cabbage.......i like that fact.

  20. This is a small computing device that runs on DNA.

  21. The length of your foot is the same size as the distance between your elbow and your wrist bone!

    You can't put your own elbow in your own ear.

    David Bowie is actually a year younger than he claims to be!

  22. Some things I actually learned at school!

    The purpose of eyebrows is to stop sweat, dirt and other substances from going into our eyes. This is why they are shaped above the eye in a kinda curve, to divert stuff away from them.

    Also, apart from keeping the head warm, one of the uses of our hair is to warn our heads that we are about to knock it. It's a fact that people who are bald, bang their heads far more often than those who have hair. The hair acts as an early warning system.

  23. when your asleep your swallow five spiders

    cool isn't it

  24. Here are two strange ones

    a turtle can breathe through it's butt while underwater.

    A cow f**t contributes to global warming more than a car.

  25. by touching the end of someones nose you can tell if they have breast or bottle fed, if the cartilage splits into 2 beast fed if not bottle fed, mixed fed will also have a spit it is due to the pressure on the nose from the mothers breast

  26. In an American state, not sure which one, you have to have a license to wear high heeled shoes.

  27. Male platypuses are venemous.  Or is it platypi?

  28. Its impossible to l**k your own elbow !

  29. Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous substance. 400 grams could kill every human on earth.

  30. The reason why whales are mammals.

    They evolved in the sea and migrated to the land.

    This is where they evolved to give birth to their young, a mammalian characteristic.

    Then in slow stages from the land back to the sea.

  31. A donkey's eye are so placed in it's head that it can see all four feet at any time whilst standing!!

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