
What is the strangest fuel for powering an automobile?

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Does it work?




  1. Mexican if it is a Flintstonemobile.

  2. used cooking oil is the strangest i've heard of.. of course it has to be strained but thats all.. no other processing is required it can be used directly. and it works well! :)

  3. I read for sun energy's motor.


  5. Gasified wood chips.  It worked in both World Wars.

  6. The "World's Cleanest Car" runs on compressed air.

    "BBC News is reporting that a French company has developed a pollution-free car which runs on compressed air. India's Tata Motors has the car under production and it may be on sale in Europe and India by the end of the year.

    The air car, also known as the Mini-CAT or City Cat, can be refueled in minutes from an air compressor at specially equipped gas stations and can go 200 km on a 1.5 euro fill-up -- roughly 125 miles for $3. The top speed will be almost 70 mph and the cost of the vehicle as low as $7000.

    The car features a fibreglass body and a revolutionary electrical system and is completely computer-controlled. It is powered by the expansion of compressed air, using no combustion at all, and the exhaust is entirely clean and cool enough for use in the internal air conditioning system."

  7. c**p, the methane is used as a fuel in some vehicles, polutes a lot.

    corn, have you heard of electric cars, they use half corn yummi :P

  8. One time I was watching TV and i saw  one  inventor uses used cooking oil as a fuel.

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