
What is the strangest thing anyone has said to you in a checkout line?*? ?

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What is the strangest thing anyone has said to you in a checkout line?*? ?




  1. "why u cutting me, missy??"

  2. "I was just wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?"

    I blew him off, but still remember how random and sweet that was.

  3. can i have in a hurry

    oops i have 1 misspelling[s]

  4. "Have you got my Doughnut, you prick"

  5. Mannerless.

  6. Are you in front of me?  duh  well, i was in front of them.

  7. are you handicapped?

    Someone actually asked me that at the checkout line at Walmart. I was so pissed off!!!

  8. "U Should Really Consider Suicide"

    ... The worst Part...

    it was my MOM...LOL

  9. im 13 yr old grl. and an old lady comes up to me one day and says"

    Did you get the salsa i asked for dear?

    I said "no i dont know you, and went to walk away.

    she grabbed my arm and said, that is no way to speak to your grandmother!

    then she said, "i will not let you stay over if you act like that missy.

    then a girl came up to her and said "i got the salsa nana."

    the old lady looked imbarreced and walked away looking angry at me.

    sorry this story was so long.

  10. She asked me , didn't we make it last week. She didn't look faniliar.

  11. Are you gonna eat that bread?

    i was like wtf  

  12. "Hey, I'm glad you're in the checkout lane, because I'm checkin' you OUT!"

  13. I was at walgreens and I was having a conversation with this lady in back of me, & she saw my basket, and said "my husband got them (tampons) for me & we agreed that they're very comfy."

    I didnt say anything for a moment or two but I took my phone out & acted like i was calling someone. What does she mean by "We"

  14. An elderly lady says, "Diapers, I forgot my diapers. Hold my spot won't you sweetie?" Hahh.

  15. Some guys asked me "Do you work here?"

    I had a basket full of groceries & 3 of my kids there with, not sure what he was thinking there...

  16. I was in line and a elderly lady kept bumping me with her cart, when I finally turned around and told her she was bumping me, she said "Yeah, I know!". It shocked me that she was doing it on purpose!  

  17. You must have a large family

    Dinner for 1...ha ha

  18. You actually read that c**p?

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