
What is the strangest thing in your garage or house?

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What is the strangest thing in your garage or house?




  1. this strange and huge spider that lives under the stairs

  2. A snake inside my piano! That's why, I can no longer use my piano for almost 5 years now.

  3. the Christmas tree i leave up all year.

    i do dust it.

  4. I don't know what almost anything is in there!

  5. Probably the bottle of Jameson's Irish whiskey on an optic in my kitchen.

  6. squirrels. in the garage. they come in through an ill-fitting window and scream obscenities at me when i go in to fetch something. have you ever heard a screaming ill-tempered squirrel? nerve-racking

  7. My cat

  8. Some old bones,,

  9. A Car - now thats unusual.

  10. all the bodies,they're starting to build up,i really should cook them soon...

  11. Frisbee Golf Goal

  12. My Husband, bless him, he's a little odd!

  13. A 'Horn of Plenty',that only produces liquified kippers!

  14. in the garage a 1922 Ford run about

  15. The notion that all this c**p (that builds up in garage and house) is really needed.

  16. Me!

  17. my gf...she is a freak....she is made out of pumpkin

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