
What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten ?

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What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten ?




  1. A green ant in Australia, very sweet! An octopus that still moved and got stuck on my tongue in Japan! A cocktail made of blood, tomatoes, onions and chillies in El Salvador - disgusting! Camel sausages! A goat's head in Greece! I guess, you just have to stay open minded!

    LOL Blunt, I used to eat spaghetti with sugar and butter at my friend's house when I was a was delicious!!!

    That white cheese with jam sounds sister used to eat yoghurt with pepper and salt for breakfast and my friend eats toast with mayonnaise and banana...yarks!!!

    edit: I.A. I believe having different tastes in a meal is very important...and so are the five colors of a meal! I would get bored eating if there were only one taste!!!

  2. Crocodile... Tasted like chicken...

  3. Tasted frog leg and snail. Were quite tasty, actually. And eel (yılanbalığı), but that doesn't count because that is fish.

    The strangest thing I haven't eaten is buttered makaroni with sugar sprinkled on it. It is a delicacy for my father's extended family. For me macaroni is a salty food, what has sugar got to do with it?

    Edit: Well, Selena, have you tried white cheese with jam or honey? Now, THAT is delicious if you want to mix salt and sugar. :)

    My parent's family also had something they called tzimur... with bread roasted in butter and then sprinkled with sugar. Seems they had a thing for butter, carbohydrates and sugar, don't you think? :D

  4. frog


  5. Rattlesnake...and it was DELICIOUS!!!

  6. Escargo,fried frogs legs in Budapest,kangaroo soup as a child.

    Pickeled pigs feet with onions and beer as a 4 year old.

    Love pickled herring with onions and beer too.

  7. When I was in high school, I had a bet with some friends, and the loser had to eat a biscuit for dogs.

    I lost, so I was obliged to eat it.

    Yuuuk !

  8. Sea urchin (deniz kestane)

  9. Balut, egg with an almost developed chicken foetus. In the Philippines. Drinking the liquid from the egg was okey, chewing the foetus was not.

  10. Very delicious question!  I don't think anything one can eat is strange.  It might be strange to a foreigner though... Anyways, this cheese and honey combination is the best!!!!! Also,  mussels,  snails, eel, fish heads,  ostrich, sushi (nagiri I think is called the one I like best). I am into trying new flavors all the time!! Well,  to my regret I haven't eaten rattlesnake and crocodile.  Not yet anyways! ;-)))

  11. An Indian food. I don't want to remember even it's name...

  12. roasted muskrat... or 'mountain oysters'...

  13. Whole bellied clams.  ICK  they are squishy beyond squishyness!

    oops, in Boston Mass.

  14. Well, I think I've never really eaten something strange ( not that I know )

    Some people proposed me to eat weird things such as goat head, frog legs, shark, octopus, etc, but I always refused.

    I can't even eat sellfish, because I am totally disgusted at the mere sight of all these insect-alike creatures.

    Once ,I ate goose liver paste, but I immediately spitted it and said to the friends " Sorry, I can't eat that"

    When I was 12, after a kurban bayrami,  my cousin's parents made me eat sheep testicles, and they told me what it was only after I have finished...I really understood it better when I felt the aphrodisiac effects a few hours later,during my sleep ( for a 12 y/o boy, that was quite disturbing, lol )

    Selena, of course we Turks love to mix salt and sugar in the same meal....You probably noticed it already with our typical turkish "kavalti" ( breakfasts ) , as we usually like to eat salty things such as tomatoes,cheese,olives with sweet things such as jam and honey, aside bread, butter and tea...Not to mention the classical "menemen" that most of us appreciate in the morning...

  15. Chicken Feet!! In CHINA!

    Pig Fat( not cooked)

  16. Mac Donald's Hamburger.

    Recently figured out, Mac Donald's is the biggest bull t******e buyer in the world.

  17. "hamsi" jam!

  18. It may be strange to you, but to us Turks, eating lamb intestines, brain or cheeks is a usual habit (not to mention cow stomach-iskembe-)  I must say the stangest thing I`ve eaten would be alligator, which I had when I went to Florida, and even that I enjoyed:))

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