
What is the strategy to calculate baseball betting parlays?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am unable to calculate parlay bets in baseball, can you share your strategy to calculate baseball parlay bets?




  1. How to Calculate a Parlay

    I’m going to show you quickly how you can calculate how much your parlay will payout before making the bet on your sportsbook.

    Blue Jays – -100

    White Sox – -200

    If those are the two games that you’re betting on for your parlay and you want to make a $100 bet on the parlay then you’d need to calculate the following to figure out the payout.

    A $100 bet on the Blue Jays at -100 is even money and if the Jays win then you’d win $100 plus get your initial $100 hundred back. This would mean that you’d now have $200 being wagered on the White Sox at -200 which means if the White Sox win you’d win another $100 plus get your $200 back. The parlay would know be over and your sportsbook account would be credited with $300 which means you’d make a total of $200 from your wager of $100.

    If you don’t feel like doing the calculations yourself then you can simply use one of the many parlay payout calculators which are on the internet to do the work for you. Betting on a parlay has no advantage or disadvantage when it comes to the likelihood of winning. If you can find two good games on a given night to put together in a parlay then it’s definitely a good idea, but if there is only one good game don’t throw in another game so you can do a parlay. It’d be much smarter betting on the single game and winning then losing because you threw in a team on a parlay and they lost.

    A lot of people don’t like betting on two games in a parlay because it one team losses they always wish they just bet on the single game which won. I actually like parlays and whenever I can find value in two games on a given night in baseball which is fairly often I will lay down a parlay. I usually cover myself by betting on a single game as well, and you should do this as well. If you’re just starting out to bet and you have a small bankroll then you should definitely try out some parlays. They will be able to increase your bankroll at a much faster rate then betting on single games.

    Visit Bodog Sportsbook  
    Bet Baseball Parlays at Bodog

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