
What is the strongest conviction YOU hold?

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How come? What leads you to believe in that? Please also state your age and ethnicity for research purposes, thank you! If you don't want to answer this then don't. Please do not leave some wisecrack on here , this is a serious question.




  1. That freedom is worth dying for. /

  2. My  relationship  with  my  saviour  Jesus  Christ  is  the  most  important  conviction  I  have;  my  love  for  him  and  for  what  he  has  done  for  me  thru  out  my  life.  He  has  always  been  there  for  me,  always  been  close  to  me.  When  my  loved  ones  failed  me,  he  didn't.  Someday  I  will  go  to  be  with  him  for  all  eternity.  That  is  what  I  live  for,  what  keeps  me  going,  the  last  thought  on  my  mind  as  I  drift  off  to  sleep  at  night.  

    I  am  a  retired  Chef  from  the  Food  Service  Business.

  3. Age: 17 (18 next month)

    Ethnicity: German, English, Black and Puerto-Rican (so I guess mixed race)

    I guess being impartial is one of my biggest convictions. Simply because I learned from experience that being biased against someone or something isn't going to get you anywhere. You have to approach everything you do and meet with an open-mind and fairness.

  4. 38 white female

    THat God is in control

  5. I'd have to say it's between honesty and fairness. I know life isn't fair and maybe honesty. I hate lying and I get irritated when my mom wants me to lie. I don't lie. Sometimes, rarely though, I will lie. If I absolutely have to. I was taught to not lie when I was very young. I lied to my mom when I was younger. She didn't find out but she told me to not lie because it's wrong. I felt guilty, so I made my "lie" into a it meant that I didn't tell my mom a lie. If that makes any sense.

    I'm 17 and Chinese.

  6. 27 communicate with the outside world

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