
What is the strongest natural sedative that you can buy?

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I know about valariun root and melatonin, but I was hoping that maybe there was something stronger.




  1. Sarpagandha and Jatamansi. Nothing puts me to sleep easily but when I occaisionaly take these 2 together I'm knocked out. But they would be best taken under guidance of Naturopath or herbalist because they lower blood pressure. Maybe just take occaisionally not daily.

  2. GABA, hops, or passionflower

  3. There are many great natural sedatives out there, but the true answer is that it depends on the individual.  Some people respond better to an herb/medicine than others.  It's trial and error, really.  What's good for one may not work for you.

    That said, the particularly strong ones are:  Kava Kava and Valerian Root, either together or separate (together will be more sedating), 5-HTP or Tryptophan (do not use if you are taking any anti-depressants), Passion Flower, Biofeedback, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a tea or tablet with Valerian, Kava, Hops, Passion Flower, and/or chamomile.

    Not as strong, but worth mentioning:  Carbohydrates are sedating, warm baths (sleep is associated with a drop in body temp, so getting out of the bath will make you more sleepy), Calms Forte, warm milk.

    Technically, alcohol is natural, but I would not suggest using it as a sedative due to its addictive properties and the fact that it is also associated with being stimulating and interfering with sleep and wake activities.

    One word of caution:  Natural meds are still drugs, in that they may have side effects and may interact with meds you are or will be taking.  Please ask your doctor before taking any, or in the very least, look up for interactions online.

  4. Well... You got your illegal drugs but I don't think thats what you're talkin about lol.

    You could ask the phams for a sleep aid, or you could hunt around for some lactuca.

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