
What is the strongest smelling?

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my baby dwarf hamster is missing what is the strongest smelling food to attracte him?




  1. i had 2 hampsters once but they never escaped i dont relly no what to suggest but my be cat food would work ? i honnestly dont know but good luck =)

  2. Scrambled eggs!!!!!!!! I know it sounds weird but is a great source of protein and works wonders for me when I'm trying to catch a lost hamster :D

    The egg has a strong, yummy smell. Just scramble an egg and leave it plain. Let it's yumminess reel your hamster in :)

    Good luck!

  3. Just put some of his regular food on the floor to attract him.  You can also try sunflower seeds, fresh fruit, or special hamster treats.  Hope you find him!

  4. dwarf hamsters love to escape, don't they!

    i've had a few escape and this is what works the best - put some of their food (with some peanut butter on top of it - you might want to do this on a piece of newspaper) on the floor with a little bit of flour around it. if you're not sure what room they escaped from or think they could have gone into another room - do this in several different ones.

    they'll smell the peanut butter and food and when they come to get some, they'll walk through the flour and you can follow the little white footprints to where they are - or a general area of where they are.

    oh, and i know you're going to want to leave the cage open in case they come back and get in there, but that just makes it really easy for them to come and go as they please since they can get water and food. whenever mine would get lost, i'd find them a day or so later climbing all over their cage trying to get back in.

    good luck!

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