
What is the student life like at Drexel University?

by Guest64030  |  earlier

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This school has been sending me packets and all kind of stuff for the last year and a half I am in my senior year of high school and they just sent me a packet with a free application, but I have heard a lot of negative stuff about them on princeton review such as small campus, unhappy students, and bad professors, so what is the campus life really like at this school?




  1. Its really not as bad as the princeton review makes it sound. The problem with the school is that they have a really high acceptance rate, but its a very tough course load. So they accept a lot of students who aren't really qualified to handle it.  A lot of those students end up giving bad reviews cause they want to be babied through school and are probably doing badly in their classes.

    Another problem in the past was that it was primarily a commuter campus, so a lot of the students would go home on weekends. This made a lot of those students not really involved in the school social scene. However, the new president really has changed things around in the past 5 years... hes like quadroupled the endowment..and hes turning it from a prestigious east cost a prestigious national university. The drexel name really goes a long way due to the co-op experience we graduate with. Hes also turning away form the commuter campus aspect... theyre building 2 new dorms in the next 3 years as well as a new hotel and many other new buildings. So as the commuter population goes down, a lot of the reviews about unhappy students will go away as well.

    I have never had a problem with any professor. I guess it depends on your major though. Some of hte engineering professors are foreign and have heavy accents ... but they get better after freshman year like with any school. I've had nothign but good experiences with the business school professors. They've all been very helpful when needed and very qualified in their fields.

    The campus is small... but its a city school so thats expected... its right in the heart of philadelphia... so there is plenty of nightlife and things to do everywhere... and you have upenn right next door which has a lot of stuff as well within walking distance...and there are plenty of college kids everywhere. Plus theyre doing a lot of construction and expansion projects so its getting better. Once youre here you don't really even worry about what the campus looks like anyways...thats more of something highschool seniors worry about.

    I am a founding father of a fraternity here. I have a ton of friends. I party plenty and have a lot of fun. So I mean.... campus life is fine if youre not a social outcast and make an effort to leave your dorm room. Its definitely not your typical college experience due to the trimester system, co-ops, and urban atmosphere... but its definitely not boring.

    ...Plus... i'm about to be on my frist co-op so i'll be making like almsot 1000 bucks a week... which is sick.

      I'd say definitely take a tour and see what you think. We just jumped 20 spots this year in us news rankings which is pretty awesome. Were also ranked #6 up and coming university in the nation....

  2. www.

    saved my life as a senior in highschool, really.  

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