
What is the stuff that lebron james and kevin garnett use before a game????

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i know its something like chalk, or called dust chalk or something, and i think it increases grip, but what actually is it called? and how much does it cost? and where can i buy it from?

and i think gymnasts use them too.




  1. I would think it would be more like resin than chalk.  Chalk wouldn't help a basketball player.  Maybe a mixture?

  2. You mean the white dust that makes anyone happy? (too happy?)

    Don't remember the name and price depends on its purity and origin.  

  3. its powder for grip on the basketball

  4. powder chalk grip

  5. baby powder

  6. grop powder

  7. grip powder

  8. its cocaine. all NBA players use it more than gatorade.  

  9. That's not chalk they are using!  Sorry to burst your bubble but that white chalky stuff is just what you think it is... Coke!

    Why do you think they are so emotional all game?

  10. no, its just johnson&johnson baby powder

  11. Actually,Michael Jordan was the first to do that.

  12. its baby powder

  13. It's some kind of powder to better grip the ball, I remember KG was the first to throw it in the air like that and then Bron had to copy him and act like he's the one that started doing that.

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