
What is the stupidest thing you have seen on the motorway?

by  |  earlier

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I'll give you 3 examples.. some idiot texting doing 90 on the outside lane ( i was a passenger in a lorry, so could see him)

someone pulling directly ONTO the hard shoulder without picking up any speed.

last night, I was letting someone in and they wouldn't come on and were doing 30mph.. I couldn't move out to the middle due to the volume of traffic.

they should make an extra test for motorway driving? in the UK after you pass.. what you think?




  1. A lady driving with her baby on her lap.

  2. A family having a picnic in the central reservation.

  3. Another test won't help,   it  can't cure stupid.

    I drive a truck/lorry here in the states.   Some of the things I have seen include (all the driver was engaged in)

    various s*x acts

    breast feeding


    watching TV

    reading books,  newpaper,  etc

    typing on laptop  (his car was set up as office complete with printer)



    eating  (not a sandwich,  had a plate and silverware)

  4. Children playing football on the hard shoulder in front of a car that had broken down. Yes I do think they should take extra test for motorway driving, after passing their test and got the licence they should book at least  3 lesson with a driving school .

    Lot of boy racers think they F1 drivers...........Jason  W

  5. somne reading  a paper and smoking driving  at 70 MPH

  6. They do have a Pass Plus for motorway driving where you can get money off from your insurance if you do the test.

    I've seen someone cross over three lanes very awkwardly.

  7. Just saw it the other day- a woman in the center lane going 65 and she obviously thought she needed to discipline her kid right then- she started swinging at the kid in the backseat!! She ended up on the side of the road almost hit many cars....she was from New Hampshire, need I say more....

  8. Motorists backing-out of ON-RAMPS!!!

  9. Traffic!

  10. man was struck by several vehicles - including an ambulance - when he ran from police and tried to cross the Southern Motorway last night.

    He was taken to hospital in a critical condition.

    Police closed the northbound lanes between the Mt Wellington and Ellerslie/Panmure motorway exits following the 7.20pm accident.

    The police serious crash team was called in to investigate.

    Inspector Andy Brill said the man was trying to elude police when he was struck.

    "He ran from an address the police were just arriving at, out the back door, across the motorway and was hit by a vehicle."

    Mr Brill said he could not comment on why police had been called to the house in Portman Rd, Mt Wellington.

    The man made it across the southbound lanes but was struck by a vehicle travelling north.

    Tangata Tuitupou, 28, said he was playing pool at a house in Portman Rd when the man came running through the property.

    "We saw a whole lot of lights and it was the police and the cop was telling us to go back inside. As I was looking down our driveway I saw somebody running down and jumping over the fence on to the motorway.

    "Then all of a sudden we heard a big massive noise and dashed on down and [there was] a car and he was lying in front of it."

  11. its the idiots that go from the fast lane right across the other three (or two lanes) and turn off. The number of times I have had to brake in a hurry you wont believe!

    or the pratts that sit in the outside lane and then flash you if you undertake them.

  12. I saw this guy in Mexico driving his pickup down a narrow windy mountain road like it was a sports car.  He was passing people on blind corners like he was in a Formula One race.  A few miles later he was pulled over on the side of the road with the front of his truck smashed in, radiator steaming.  There was a dead mule in the middle of the road with his legs up in the air.  The driver hit the mule so hard he knocked it's hooves off!  Idiot!

    Other than that, a women driving through a red light talking on  a cell phone with a cup of coffee and steering wheel in the other hand.  Her van van was full of kids.

    Idiots ghost riding their cars...

  13. a kia picanto.

  14. some lady stopped in the middle of the highway with her turn signal on trying to get on the off ramp

    i cant drive yet

    but ive seen it

  15. this guy was in the lane left of me, and clearly wanted to pass me. He was stuck behind a car and I was on cruise control and wasn't going to slow down because he was an idiot driver. he kept trying to swerve into my lane and then back into his as to make me get out of his way so he could pass though. talk about road rage!

  16. i passed a girl in a pontiac grand am on the I-75 she was in the middle lane and driving in the limit, her let leg out of the window, eating a burger and on the phone while using her kne to ster, she was passe by someone beepe her and she just waved i think he was angry at her style as i was

  17. i once saw a woman driving lol it was crazy

  18. A couple I can think of off the top of my head:

    The woman in bumper to bumper traffic putting on her make up and talking on her cell phone at the same time.

    The loaded school bus that ran the red light.

    The equine tush that changed lanes in front of me on a wet highway and caused me to do a 180 into the median and flip 3x.

    The other equine tush that changed lanes into my right front bumper and tried to tell his insurance company I rear ended him.

  19. a cow

  20. Men drivers?  No I mean I have seen sheep on the motorway, people changing lanes without indicating, a car spinning in a circle because a caravan had clipped them.

  21. the highways agency reversing to a slip road they had passed if we did that we would be banned its one rule for them and one for us

  22. Lunatic just south of Birmingham changing a tyre in the fast lane!   Luckily  it was on a straight section on a sunny day so he got away with it but I ask you...............!

  23. Somebody was on the outside and while we were going forward they just flew past us into the next lane.

    There was also a toll fine of 1.50, and some idiot tried to pay in all pennies with us behind them.

  24. A very very old Skoda with the boot in the front and engine in the back and the driver had an upright fridge freezer standing up in the front boot whilst he was looking out of the side window to see where he was going, he was stopped by Police.

  25. a lada

  26. well I've worked on the motorway for five years and believe me I've seen a few things some funny some stupid and some very very dangerous

    I've been mooned at by women, and men, women flashing there b***s, a woman giving a man a BJ , even a man doing same

    women doing makeup changing clothes men shaving

    lorry drivers swapping drivers on the move at 56 mph

    one man had broken down in the third lane had managed to get it on to a wide centre divide and had got his engine in bits trying to repair it

    we've had drivers drive at us while putting out traffic management for closing a lane or lanes off (yes putting out the cones )( yes its me who slows you down )

    under taking on the hard shoulder at 100mph to avoid getting sprayed with a little bit off grit in the winter

    trust me driving to slow on the motorway is as dangerous as driving to fast, middle lane hoggers are the worst for this and people who think lane one is for lorries only

    throwing rubbish out off vehicles is very stupid as well you wont believe what we find on the motorway and the mind boggles as to how they have lost them, coffins (empty) mobilephones wallets passports all manner of clothes handbags shopping shoes trousers and the list goes on. All manner of animals big and small.

    we came across a volve estate car broken down on the shoulder the police came and the poele got out there was five adults and eight children in the car.

    we have come up to cars and vans parked up on the hard shoulder and the occupants having s*x in the back

    so you see life in the fast lane off the motorway is not all doom and gloom it has its lighterside as well




  27. Somone cutting across 5 lanes of traffic to make an exit at the last second.  Cut right through multitudes of cars instantly.

    I also saw a van swerving from the middle lane to the left and then back to the middle a few times.  When I passed him on his left side to see what is going on, I looked over and the man was asleep.

  28. driving drunk

  29. If I had to pick just one, I'd probably go with stopping on the entrance ramp.

    Speeding in the rain.

    A guy stuck in a ditch after he decided to make his own exit.  (Once you're on the grass and beyond a certain angle gravity takes over and you're along for the ride.)

    The guy who didn't think he needed to tie a couch into his pickup rates up there with the clown behind me that ran into it as I exited.

    Two old ladies in cruise control wars.

    And far and away the most annoying was the guy that I would pass, only to have him floor it around me and slow down again.

  30. Some guy in a red Porsche 944 was chasing his dog down the grassy median.

    WOW! that HAD to be the stupidest thing I have EVER seen in my life.

  31. Where shall I begin lol

    White Van drivers aaaagh they think they own the road!!!

    Lorry Drivers that just pull out with NO indication.......

    Lane Hoppers, that speed up in the fast lane then realise they need the turn off and fly across every lane at the last minute.

    Oh n the NECKERS !!!! when there's been an accident, how everyone slams their brakes on to have a look and causes a long tail back just to be NOSEY..

    Oh millions of things Babe.....Xx

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