
What is the sucess rate with Clomid?

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I am currently on my fourth cycle of Clomid(100mg) days 3-7 of cycle. My Doctor says that if it doesn't work this cycle he's going to up my dosage to 150mg for three additional months. My appt. is sceduled for 08/27/08 and I was wondering if I should ask him for an alternative to the Clomid as it seems to not be working and I've heard that its not recommended to stay on it past a certain period of time. Has anyone had suceess after several cycles or should I try something new? Also I did receive a very positive OPK on 08/08/08 but I don't know if that means I actually ovulated this session? Any insight is always greatly appreciated!




  1. I used clomid for one cycle (50mg days 5-9) and fell pregnant.  Unfortunately it ended in a miscarriage at 8 wks.  So it does work and I have heard a lot of success stories.  I know I have also read a lot about taking clomid with a combination of other things.  Maybe that might help you.  But if you aren't ovulating on your current dose, then hopefully you will with the higher dose.  They do say that if it hasn't worked in like 5-6 cycles, then its not going to work.  But since you adn your doctor are still trying to figure out the correct dose to induce ovulation, I'd trust your doctor.  They usually do have your best interest in mind.  Another's been about 3 months since my miscarriage and I haven't had a period yet but just found out Sunday that I am pregnant...and thats without taking clomid.  So crazy things happen! Good dust to you!

  2. Your doctor could also change the days you take it to 5-9. I took 100mg days 5-9 and on my 2nd cycle it worked. My Doc said his success rate was 90%

  3. It is important to note that there are other factors that may prevent you from conceiving. A lot of people would conceive even on clomid 50mg if all other factors have been met. I would recommend you read a very informative book by Beth Kiley called Personal path to pregnancy. It is being reviewed at http://personalpathtopregnancy.wordpress... You will be able to take care of everything else that could make you fail to conceive despite being on clomid

  4. Hi i used clomid on days 2-6 for the 1st few months i ovulated but didn't fall pregnant so the doctors put me on 100mg and that month i fell pregnant but i had a miscarriage i then had a chemical pregnancy after that. So it does work but just that i neva went through a whole pregnancy and i have heard it has worked for people on here. I was on clomid for a 11months suppose to be 12 but i told docs i wasn't taken it the last month cause i wasn't getting any where plus i was told that it wasn't good for me to be on clomid for that long. Also i used preseed to and am sure that helped. Good luck

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