
What is the sun expected to become at the end of its life?

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What is the sun expected to become at the end of its life?




  1. The red giant phase is not the end of the Sun's life by a long way. It will be the end of Earth though.

    The Sun will eventually collapse into a white dwarf after the red giant phase, and will remain as a cold, burnt out cinder, for an infinity.

    Not much to look forward to on TV then I am afraid.

  2. There is so many therioes but no one ACTUALLY knows.

  3. an angry RED GIANT

  4. White Dwarf. THe sun is 85% bigger than most stars in the galaxy which are Red Dwards

  5. White dwarf after it goes "nova".

  6. A red giant.  The earth would probably be dead by this time.

  7. About five billion years from now, if left to live its life without technological intervention, the Sun will eventually exhaust too much its hydrogen fuel. There will still be SOME hydrogen left, just not enough. It will contract and the pressure inside will increase, but due to not enough hydrogen, there won't be enough fusion to hold it out. Eventually the pressure and temperature in the core will reach the threshold where suddenly fusion of helium becomes possible. This reaction sustains itself, and will cause the Sun to blow up kind of like a giant helium bomb. During this stage, it is referred to as a red giant star. The outer edge will envelop and destroy Mercury, Venus and probably Earth, before being blown away as interstellar gas. The core, having lost a great deal of its mass, will contract to only a little larger than the Earth, and will glow white with its residual heat. During this stage, it is referred to as a white dwarf star. If it doesn't get sucked into a black hole or neutron star first, it will eventually cool down and become a black dwarf. This is the last stage during which it is its own physical object, after which it will either slowly decay into energy (over about a thousand million million million million million million years) or be sucked into a black hole or neutron star.

  8.   It will eventually become an ashy cinder of less than planet size in likely more than 5 billion years.

  9. Over the next 5 billion years the Sun will continue to fuse its remaining hydrogen fuel. Towards the end of that 5 billion years the Sun will expand until its surface consumes Mercury and Venus. In the very early stages of this expansion Earth's oceans will boil away, but Mars may become warm enough to support liquid water. Maybe even the vast frozen oceans of the dwarf planet Ceres which orbits in the asteroid belt may melt.

    It is the hydrogen fusion that keeps the Sun from collapsing in on itself so once it begins to run out the massive size it has attained will collapse back in on itself. The shock wave of this will blow off its outer layers in a huge explosion that will decimate the solar system and create a planetary nebula. The collapsed core will become a white dwarf which does not fuse hydrogen but glows for additional billions of years do to the latent heat of the dying Sun. Over time the white dwarf will dim until many many billions of years from now it will attain equilibrium with the temperature of space becoming a black dwarf.


    And of course Stardustspeck has to come around and one up my answer by using numbers. lol

  10. Define "the end"

    The sun will become a red giant.

    Then a yellow subgiant

    then a bigger red giant (an asymptotic giant branch star)

    then a planetary nebula (probably - depends on mass-loss rates and expansion velocities)

    and then a white dwarf

    During the AGB phase, ~40% of the suns mass gets ejected back into space. This is the material that makes the planetary nebula.

    So at the end of its life, some of the sun ends up in the interstellar medium and then, eventually gets incorporated into new stars and planets.

    The white dwarf will contain the other 60% of its mass, and as it cannot produce energy it will slowly cool. But the cooling time to get to a black dwarf is ~a trillion years.

  11. Nova. Everything will go poof!

  12. White dwarf.

  13. The sun makes light from hydrogen. When the hydrogen runs out, the sun uses helium. As it uses the helium, it will get bigger and turn into a red giant. It will swallow Mercury and Venus and maybe Earth. It will be so hot, all the water on Earth will evaporate and everyone on Earth would die, along with all the animals.

    Then the Sun will run out of helium and collapse onto itself. It will become the smallest type of star, a white dwarf.  

  14. red demon like,its gravitational power will become so much great that it will attract all the planets inside it& at last it's size will reduce to a small point.

  15. it will grow until it erupts into a red giant and then collapse in on itself and form a dense white dwarf.

  16. A white dwarf!

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