
What is the sun?

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What is the sun?




  1. A hugh ball of (mainly) hydrogen gas. at the core the temp is so high (about 15million deg C) that a fusion reaction is taking place. The sun is losing about 4000000Kg of mass every second but will still be shining for 5 billion years. Long after, I suspect, we are history. Fusion, refer to other answers.

  2. A big yellow thing

  3. the big bright round thing in the sky...

  4. a star ! isn't it?

  5. round, shinning, the centre of the power.

  6. A God amongst many in the sky above.

  7. its a star made up of hot gases


    a daily newspaper

  8. Believe it or not, the Sun is just a star, just like those we see twinkling at night. The Sun, however, is so much closer to us on Earth that it looks much bigger, much brighter, and we can even feel heat coming from it.

    Scientists know great deal about the stars that shine at night. Compared to these other stars, the Sun is actually quite average. Many of the stars that appear so small in the night sky are actually much bigger than our Sun. Others, however, are quite tiny in comparison. Some are much hotter, and some are so cool and dim we can barely see them. But for us on Earth, the Sun is just right!

  9. It's a G2 class star.

  10. The closest star.  It is a powerhouse machine that runs on hydrogen fusion.

  11. a star

  12. the yellow bit in a egg.

  13. Like the many different distant stars that are seen at night

    so is the Sun a star. Much closer to us approx. 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers.

  14. a newspaper!

  15. a star made up of hyrdrogen and helium

  16. This will explain it

  17. I can't believe no one's brought THIS up:

    The sun is...the cause of "global warming"!

  18. A c**p tabloid news ? paper

  19. Hello,

    (ANS) The sun is a huge ball of Hydrogen Gas essentially but this hydrogen gas is constantly being crushed together at vast pressures due to gravity. The result of this is that the hydrogen gas undergoes a nuclear process called fusion, fusion is only caused at the most extremely conditions. These conditions cause hydrogen & helium atoms & molecules to smash into each other and this results in a massive amount of pure energy being released. This is how & why the sun burns as it does. It radiates energy outwards into space and we know this as the solar wind, its a constant stream of particles flowing outwards from the sun. This light & heat is what powers life here on earth.

    **The same processes which we see from nuclear weapons being exploded.

    **The sun is a an ordinary star but is about half way through its life, but dont worry it has been calculated that our sun still has about another 200 billion years of life left before it dies.


  20. The sun is a huge nuclear fusion reactor. Constantly converting hydrogen into helium.

    It has so much mass and immense pressures that the electrons are squeezed of hydrogen atoms and the nucleus fuses together. Every time this happens a photon of light is generated, the reason it shines.

  21. A big fat globe of burning gas..  AKA a Star

  22. a very massive ball of gasses and other elements. the core of the sun has so much pressure and heat that it creates a nuclear fusion reaction which provides enegry to heat and light the ball of gas known as a star.

  23. basically its a star thats on fire
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