
What is the supreme purpose of human living?

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What is the supreme purpose of human living?




  1. To cross into a higher consciousness as a whole. To ascend in ways that we are only beginning to understand and be aware of.

  2. To have s*x and reproduce more people so they can have s*x with other people so they can reproduce more people to have s*x with even more people.

  3. Beyond basic reproduction like every other organism, there is no supreme purpose.  If you can't accept that, feel free to make up something to make you feel better.  Just don't try to make me believe it or wake me up on saturday morning to tell me about it.

  4. Who is asking the question?

    I mean what exactly are you?

    Matter/energy that has temporal and spatial endurance.

    The cosmos is aware in the form of a conscious psyche, it seems the purpose of living is to learn about our own existence, as much as possible and attempt to preserve this knowledge as much as possible.

    To what end.

    For the sake of knowing how existence exists in the place of non-existence.

    The purpose of a human life is perhaps very pointless as an individual, but that we are consciously aware this offers a potential that not many other living things are afforded.

    Humans can consciously direct the course of our own species evolution and it seems to me that often the path of this direction is to solve the deepest of mysteries of existence itself.

    As a whole humanity seemingly has seized its own destiny for the goal of realizing the answer to profound questions that we would not even be able to consider without rational conscious will.

    Our will is free as individual because no other entity can claim ownership of your mind.

    Our will is free as a species for our potential has met no rival in nature.

    The purpose of human living as an individual is to contribute to this pursuit of potential realization, the purpose of humanity is to come to know objective truth and the answer to life, the universe and everything.

    Or you know what ever makes you happy I guess.

  5. you are born alive, and you have to live.

    dont have option there.

    i think we live becuase of the 'dont want to die'ness.

    in our time of our stubbornness 'dont want to die', we gave birth to another life being(alive), that have the same 'dont want to die'ness as us.

    then, later, the world is full of this creature, none of them want to die.

    and then someone asking, what do we live for? what purpose?


    who knows?

  6. The meaning and purpose of life is JESUS  :)

    The meaning and purpose of life is to be loved and blessed by Jesus, to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation, and to worship Jesus Christ forever  :)

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this:  The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  7. To love Jesus perfectly, as His mother did (and still does).  Of course, none of this will be able to achieve this, but it is the ideal for which we must strive.

    God bless!

  8. 42+

  9. To have a relationship with The Creator.

  10. Spiritual growth.

  11. Do we need a purpose?

  12. Procreation ... just like every other loving organism of the this planet.


  13. To know, love and serve God His Creator.

  14. To Glorify God.

  15. Hello. My answer is we were created to love and serve the Lord with all our hearts, minds, with all our strength, with all that we are and with gladness!!

  16. To live it...

  17. To learn

  18. Your purpose is whatever you decide it is.  Mine is to watch as much TV as possible.

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