
What is the surgery and recovery like to fix a partially torn meniscus (In the knee)?

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I have to have this surgery and I was wondering what the recovery is like so I can schedule the surgery when it will fit in with school and vacation best. Will I have to be on crutches? If so, how long? How soon after the surgery will I be able to walk up and down hills will no problem?

Also, how is the surgery itself? I've had a bunch of operations before, so I'm not really worried, but it will be nice to know what other peoples experiences were.





  1. Arthroscopic surgery is fairly quick and painless.

    I've had two of them.  I recovered the quickest when I started walking the same day as the surgery.  It will be sore for a week or so, but nothing bad.  I was up and around without crutches in three days, walking up and down stairs.

    That was MY experience.  Yours may be the same, or different.

  2. This is a question that you should really discuss with your surgeon. There are two different ways to fix meniscus tear, one involves repairing the tear, the second is a menisectomy.

    A menisectomy involves cutting out the torn portion and smoothing out the edges.  This is done arthroscopically generally as an outpatient procedure.  You may be on crutches for a couple of days, but most patients really don't need them.  Recovery is quick as is return to normal activities.  You may be sore for a while, but really only have pain the first couple days or so.  This option is not ideal because any loss of meniscus can increase your chance of arthritis in the future.  It can also make you more prone to further damage.

    A meniscus repair is much more involved as it is actually putting the pieces of the tear back together either with sutures or staples.  It is also done arthroscopically and generally as an outpatient procedure.  Recovery is much more conservative as you need to allow time for healing.  You will be on crutches and braced.  You will not be able to put weight on your knee for a couple of weeks, and gradually progress to walking after that.  You can generally get back to daily activities in a month or so, and sporting activities in 3-4 months.  In terms of long term knee health a repair is far better.  But repairs can fail, so that you would have to undergo another procedure.

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