
What is the sweetest/cutest thing your horse has done?

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Today, i was asking my horse to back up while i was on the ground standing infront of her, then i asked her to move forward and she kept walking until her face was pressed parallel into my chest and tummy, asking for a cuddle. She didnt move until i gave her one!

Horses can be so sweet sometimes...




  1. my horse likes to put her head on my shoulder and rub it against  it for awhile, it's like he is scratching his head. He also likes to follow me while i'm cleaning his pen, even when i throw him a flake to much on. he's so cute

  2. One of the funniest things my horse has done is give me a wedgie!  I let him loose in the arena and crouched down trying to dig out a rock that was sticking up out of the dirt. He snuck up behind me, grabbed the waistband of my jeans in his teeth and pulled!

    But the most touching thing he ever did was after I fell off over a fence. He stopped dead and stood perfectly still near me, waiting to see if I was OK. His head hung low and he just kept watching till I got up.

  3. he wasn't my horse... he was a school horse who i had only ridden once, but i was standing next to him and patting his neck and he smushed his face into my stomach and i took it and he let out a huge sigh =[ he had cancer and passed away a few months later... i miss harley =[

  4. I love your story!

    My horse will "kiss" me.  When she is in her stall with her head over the door, if you make a smooching sound. she will lift up her nose until she hits your lips!  It is the cutest thing

  5. hey, my horse is so gorgeous he does a lot of cute stuff but the cutest is when hes drinking and while hes still got water in his mouth he lets his tongue hang out it absolutely gorgeous

  6. my horse threw his food bucket at me to get food then went behind me and pushed me to the food shed haha

  7. I have a two yr. old colt a named Snoopy (the red baron) and I have him on pasture for the spring/summer till I get ready to show him and his really cute thing is that he will see me get in my car to leave the house and he will follow me down the driveway running beside the car nickering at me then he'll wait by the gate till I come home. my husband told me the other day when I left at 6am and got home at 7pm that the only time he left was to get some water around noon! he's the best ever

  8. whenever my horse is tied up beside a mare with a  fly mask on even the ones that latch twice he will up do it and pull it off  all the mares love him lol

  9. looked at me with a pink Baby hood on She made me Laugh

  10. When I wash my miniature horse she likes to drink the water coming out of the hose its sooo cute.

  11. My horse took her lead rope and somehow got it stuck around her ear and i found her in her stall once chewing on her halter.

  12. It's not my horse, but still. Holly is my favourite lesson horse and one day we were stood at the corner of the school waiting for our turn to jump. She started getting bored, and looked over at my riding teacher's cup of tea and biscuit then starting to whinny cheekily. She trotted over and snatched one of the biscuits, holding it in her mouth and tossing her head up and down as if to say "Look what I've found!" My instructor jogged over laughing and reached up to take the biscuit, but Holly promptly cantered to the other side of the school and scoffed the cookie down before anyone could do anything.

    Greedy mare. xD

  13. 2 of my horses love getting kisses. whenever you give them kisses they usually give you some in return by nuzzling your face. (really cute but slobbery especially when they lip you :])

  14. One time, during the winter, my horse, Hamilton, came up behind me while I was at the 700 gallon water tank and knocked me in...brrrr

    then another time, I was scratching on my yearling, Lincoln,  and my other horse, Hamilton,  came over and usually he will just rest his chin on my shoulder, but not this time, this time...he licks my face...a great big l** was so funny. He's a sweety =)

  15. My horse licks my hand.. even if I don't have any treats or anything. I think it is the most adorable thing in the world. He also occasionally rests his chin on my shoulder. He's awesome. =]


       One time I was walking him around (I was on the ground) after a ride and I noticed he got a little behind me so I turned around and he was starting to lay down.. I thought it was funny so I yelled to my sister to look at him and she was kind of like.. what are you laughing at?! .. He was about to hit her car with his big ol' legs. He got his legs under the car and I yelled at him and pulled on his halter for him to stop and he just lied there looking up at me like.. what did I do? Then he got up.. both him and the car were okay. =]

  16. grabs my hat and prances around the stall and brings it back to me and crosses her head over one of my shoulders ( usually the left ) and waits for me to sctrach her...

  17. My horse is constantly  looking for attention. If h e is tied at the traylor or I have him by me.. when Im talking to someone he grabs me with his lips.. no teeth at all just like: Hello I am right behind you I know you see me, rub me, or brush me... something!   He is to funny

  18. My horse LOVES kisses. He will stick his head all the way through a gate [sideways] to get a kiss.

    I have a pic!

  19. One time when I was bathing Sweet Tator, I was turned around and just staring in2 space. Then I felt something touching my arm and when I turned around it was him who was nuzzling my arm!!!

  20. One of the horses I know wanders around his paddock carrying his jollyball or a construction cone like it's a security blanket. He also likes to carry around his food bowl and then stares pitifully at whoever is nearest to him as if to say "feed me! no one has given me cookies in five whole minutes and I'm starving!"

    I have to get a picture of him doing that one day. It's really funny.

  21. I had a  Flicka moment the other month. My gelding has only ever been handled by me until recently and was at this time still quite wild and unbroken...anyway...he saw next doors horses in the 20 acres pasture next door all galloping around and having a great time, he was tied in the wash stall anyway, as he always does he untied himself (little bugger) and trotted over to the fence...not so bad you think....that's until he suddenly from a standing position jumped a 4 foot chain mesh and electric tape fence...clearing it...then taking off at 100 miles an hour towards the other horses...lead rope in tow...anyway, all my family was out there running after him in the paddock, yelling "SUNNY! COME BACK YOU .......(fill in appropriate swear word) anyway i just walked out and called his name, and he turned straight around checked if it was me and cantered home, right to me.....everyone just told me I was a showoff and walked away.

    Ps that fence has now been changed to a 5 foot post and rail fence with a electric wire escapades any more...

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