
What is the sweetest in the world?

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  1. A kiss from a child.

  2. Taste of nectar experienced after long spiritual practice and or spirituality kindled by God's grace. It tastes so sweet, it is for ever, it has no satiation effect, it does not hurt the body too in the long run like carnal love.

  3. A new born little baby is the sweetest in the world  

  4. sweet and fragrant smile of child is the sweetest thing in the world . when he sees with twinkling eyes we forget our all miseries  

  5. Kiss is.

  6. could be any given thing in this great world,but mine is my kids,my husband,my mom,brothers,sisters,my ability to love,friendship,my home,my god,my nephews,my niece, my life to the fullest, like there is no tomorrow...

  7. the sweetest thing in d world is to feel presense of tht supreme power("god","allah","bhagwan" whtever u call him)alwazzz..

    moreover whatever is sweet,beautiful..has HIM behind all tht..SARI khoobsoorti us prabhu se hi hai..kyonki sab mein WOH hi to hai..."EVERY BEAUTY IS BCOZ OF GOD AS HE'S IN ALL...

  8. i think you wanna ask what is the sweetest thing in the world...

    i would say its true love anD true friendship...

    keep rocking..

    $$** LIVE LIFE KING SIZE **$$

  9. sweetest thing in the world is to share love and friendship

  10. love

  11. The sweetest thing is being a Daddy and experiencing true love ... unadulterated and pure ... makes u feel like ur on top of the world!

  12. The sweetest thing in the world, to me, is the innocent love of a baby. The first time I picked up my daughter Tina and she put her head on my shoulder and reached up and patted me on the back, my heart melted with joy.

    The Sweetest Love in Creation is the Love of God. If it were not for God's love my childhood abuse would have destroyed me and left me unable to give or experience the love of my child, Tina. Jesus is so Sweet to me.

  13. Krishna's presence makes the sweet things sweet. Otherwise the most  sweetest thing will not be sweet. The sweetness attracts one and the very  name Krishna means attractive.

    Even the taste of water is due to the presence of Krishna as Krishna states in the Bhagavad Gita 7.8.

    raso 'ham apsu kaunteya

    O son of Kunti, I am the taste of water,

    Excerpt from the purport: The taste of water is the active principle of water. No one likes to drink sea water, because the pure taste of water is mixed with salt. Attraction for water depends on the purity of the taste, and this pure taste is one of the energies of the Lord. The impersonalist perceives the presence of the Lord in water by its taste, and the personalist also glorifies the Lord for His kindly supplying tasty water to quench man's thirst. That is the way of perceiving the Supreme. Practically speaking, there is no conflict between personalism and impersonalism. One who knows God knows that the impersonal conception and personal conception are simultaneously present in everything and that there is no contradiction. Therefore Lord Caitanya established His sublime doctrine: acintya bheda-and-abheda-tattva -- simultaneous oneness and difference.  

  14. It differs man to man.Some consider the sweetest thing is love,some woman,some money,some dictatorship,some friendship,some tourism some their children.It is a long list.  

  15. Motherly love :)

  16. the sweetest thing in the world to me is the love of Christ.

    God bless you.

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