
What is the sweetest thing your child has ever done?

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my daughter helped an elderley lady put her grocerys in the car




  1. My little guy is only 3 but he looked at me the other day and said "mommy I love you, you're my best friend" and gave me a hug and a sweet!! To bad he probably wont be saying that in about 10 years :)

  2. When my 5 year old is in the mood, she is the sweetest person ever.

    I always tell people that I owe my good self esteem to my daughter and they laugh. But she is the first one to notice if I put on make up or a skirt.  She compliments my cleaning the kitchen, like, "wow mom, you did a super job cleaning the dishes!"

    She is going to make a great mom some day!

  3. My daughter (3 years old) goes to preschool/daycare.  A little girl in her class doesn't have the most "attentive" mom - for lack of a better word.  The poor little girl came to school one day & her mom didn't pack her a lunch.  The teacher was putting everyones lunch out on the table for the kids.  the little girl was sitting next to my daughter & didn't have a lunch.  Her teacher planned on going to the kitchen & seeing what she could find for the poor girl after she had everything put out.  The teacher told me that when she finished handing out the lunches & was getting ready to go find something, she noticed that my daughter had broken her sandwich in 2 pieces and gave the little girl half - she then started splitting her other items in half to share with the girl.  I was so proud that my daughter is kind-hearted enough to do such a thing without even being asked.

  4. The sweetiest thing my lil girl who is going to be 2 in 3 more months was when she got out of her bed craweld into mine  wrapped her arms around be , gave me a big tight hug along with a kiss on my nose and then screamed baba (baba is her sippy cup)...

  5. My 3 year old is very loving towards me, he'll tell me he loves me and I'm his best friend in the whole wide world. Or, he loves me more than spaghetti! (his favorite food).

  6. Oh, you know, that time she brought in the baby bird that fell out of the tree...

    Or when she spends her money on friends who are broke, so they can all have ice creams or Mexican candy.

  7. I can't even name them all, my son is SUCH a sweetheart!  He does something sweet every day!  Yesterday at swim lessons, he got out of the pool and walked up to me.  En route, I asked him what he was doing (thought he needed to go to the bathroom).  He replied, "I need to give you a hug and a kiss".  He did, then went right back in the water.  All of the parents and his teachers were "AWE"ing.  He's a sweetie!!!

    The day before that, he handed an elderly man his credit card that he had dropped while in line to pay at the grocery store.  He said, "here you go sir, I got this for you".  The man was so tickled.  

    He's only 3.  : )

  8. My son (3) is generally just overall sweet (he says I love you, kisses me, hugs his 8 month old brother, etc.). But...

    The other night I was lying in his bed with him before he went to sleep and my 8 month old was in his bed with me, too. So we were all lying there talking, and I was counting to my son "You're 1, Owen (8 mo. old) is #2, and Mommy is #3", showing him the order we were all lying there. And he says, "Mom, why is Owen the number of p**p?" Not sweet, but sort of funny...

  9. Too many to count or pick just, I can't remember, they are grown...that is sweet what yours did however.

  10. My daughter is only nine months old...but she recently started crawling to me smiling saying "mama!".  I loved it :)

    I think that's so sweet that your daughter helped the elderly lady with groceries.  It shows that you are teaching her and raising her good.  KUDO'S TO THE GOOD MOMMY!

  11. My almost 3 year old this past weekend helped me pick up trash so the ducks at the local park wouldn't eat it and get sick. He also told the ducks who were after the several Walmart bags blowing on the ground "do not eat this it is trash to feed the garbage can and will make your tummy hurts" as he picked them up. I was so proud of him for being a good helper! But he does that a lot if the notiond hits him right-he loves to feed our dog and help give her a bath (he helps by standing by the tub and holding her ear and saying "it ok don't be scared you ok". He is very in tune with emotions and likes to comfort other people and animals. I hope he never loses that quality.

  12. my son is two and has a very treasured "bankie" (blanket) that he carries with him (it's a habit we've been trying to break forever but that's beside the point).  One day when my 5 month old was crying he went up to his room and brought down his blanket and gently laid it on his baby sister and said, "It's ok baby, bankie's here", and gave her a kiss and left.  It was sooo sweet!

  13. Last year my daughter and son made photo frames with each of their pictures in them for my Mother's Day gift. It made my heart melt. With their newborn sister (she's only 4 days old) they LOVE to kiss her- it's fun to watch them :)

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